It was an interesting week this week.  First l sold some images that are going to go on a web site (that’s pretty exciting), and secondly I was asked to photograph this building.

The building is the Escala Luxury Condominium building located on 4th Avenue in downtown seattle.  It’s also the the residence of the leading male character in a very popular novel.  Anyway I was asked to shoot the building so went there this afternoon to check it out.

As buildings go it’s very nice.  Has nice lines and a distinctive curve around one of it’s sides.  But finding a good composition was a challenge.  Firstly the building is very tall and getting it all in was difficult, hence the reason I shot it in portrait orientation.  Then there was the traffic and people, there were loads of them and they were in the way most of the time.  Finally the end of the building with the interesting curve I mentioned above, was ruined by a large number of overhead power-lines and the look of the 1st floor windows that were full of ugly advertisements for buying a condo.

Consequently I had to shoot the building from the front.  So I crossed the road and started capturing some shots.  I tried some with the building straight (with the bottom horizontally level), but they looked boring.  So I tried tilting the camera a little.  There were some trees across the road too and standing behind one added a little foreground interest in the image.  Eventually I ended up with this image.

I really liked the trees, I thought they added a lot to the picture, but unfortunately there was a lamp post directly infront of the building, right in front of the Escala sign.  So when I got home I had to remove the lamp post.  Then I had to get another copy of the Escala sign and add the “E” that was obscured by the lamp post.  (Hope this doesn’t ruin the image for you).

So I ended up with an image I liked.  The problem was the image was a little monochrome – boring.  So I tried it in black and white and got a much more compelling image.  I even printed it out to see what it looked like on paper (it looked really good).  Hope you like it too.

Tonight Carter asked Master Chief to help him with his hair.  He looks so much better now don’t you think?

I was trying to decide what to post today, and came across this shot of the Redmond Downtown Clock.  This is a little embarrassing as I’ve lived in Redmond for nearly 10 years but I never knew this clock existed until last week.  I was walking around Redmond with Abi and found in above a sign that said “Welcome to Downtown – Historic Redmond” (I didn’t know the sign existed either).

The clock isn’t that tall and it sits on top of something that looks like a bus shelter with a load of old pictures of Redmond inside.  Around the “shelter” are benches with elaborately carved back rests – is it me or is all this new?  I mean I’ve never seen any of this before!

Anyway I took loads of pictures and actually had a few I liked.  We did a little test this evening and Lisa and Abi liked this one most so that’s the one I’m posting.  While I was there I was looking for a different perspective or composition.  So I got down low and shot up (just missing out the shelter).  Having a nice blue sky and fluffy white clouds helped make I think a nice image.

It’s amazing what you see when you walk around with a camera in your hand!

Master Chief wanted to show Carter his plums, he’s very proud of them.

Fall is definitely here, it was freezing outside today and the trees at work are starting to lose their leaves.  Last year I spent ages trying to get that perfect image of fall.  I drove everywhere shooting trees in all states of leaf loss and at the end of the day I had some pretty trees with red and yellow leaves (just like everyone else)!

This year I wanted to do something different, try and capture fall in a different way, and this is my first attempt.  I was in Redmond Town Center and came across loads of fallen dead leaves. At first I was just looking for that “dead leaves on the floor” look, but then I saw this little yellow lonely flower (or weed) poking through.  I loved the simplicity of the image, the fact that this little weed was trying to push through to survive seemed really cool.

So I captured a few shots.  I had a massive focal length and big aperture so got a really narrow depth of field (that’s camera talk for “I made it blurry”).  This was shot in shade with natural light and I think the image camer out really well.

I was with Abi when I shot this and right after I stood up she jumped on the flower – with both feet!  I think she called it a “bunny hop”.  So this poor little thing fought it’s way through the leaves to survive was crushed by a cartwheeling 9 year old 62 lb girl.  Life sucks if you’re a weed.

Play-Doh rocks!  Carter was making interesting animals, and Master Chief was trying to suffocate himself.

Tonight I thought I’d post the last of my Seattle Walking Tour images.  Sure it’s true I have hundreds more, but this is the last one I’m going to share.  Especially as I’m about to hold my own photo walk.  Now I’ve shot and posted the Washington Mutual Tower before, but that was just the top of the tower at night (check out the posting on June 29th).  This one I think is more interesting.

We had just left Post Alley and were approaching the Seattle Art Museum and we came across this view of the tower.  Now I can bore you with details on composition, talking about line, shape, negative space and color etc., (it’s all pretty boring let me tell you I’ve read loads of books on it), but this view provided something an art major might call “interesting”.

The large sweeping curve of the walkway above and the way it almost wrapped around the Mutual Tower and the pillar with the very strange light on top appearing to be in parallel to the tower add interest.  Add to the fact that the picture is pretty monochromatic (except for the tower) draws your eyes to the subject.  When I look at the picture the large curve grabs me first and takes me from the top round to the bottom of the pillar   Then I find my eyes are drawn up the pillar, basically going completely round the tower.  Nearly every time I look at the picture I do the same thing – it’s very strange.  Sometimes I get caught in a loop going round again.

We stood on this spot for some time on the tour discussing the view and why it was interesting to the viewer (and of course we took many shots).

It is kind of a strange composition but I do find the image quite compelling.  Sure it might not be your cup of tea but I like it, so it’s my posting for tonight.

Lisa is very organized.  She already has my Halloween candy bucket all ready and filled it with goodies for me.  Tonight, I caught Master Chief and Carter “rescuing” some candy from the bucket.  Obviously I made them put it back.

Just under Pike Place Market on Post Alley is the Seattle Gum wall.  The wall is outside the Market Theater and back in 1993 people in line for the theater started sticking gum to the wall just before they went inside.  Initially some used to stick gum to the wall and place a coin in the gum too (I have no idea why you would do this but that’s what they did).  Anyway the theater were pretty cross and would come outside the follow day and scrape all the gum off the wall.  This was clearly seen as a “challenge” to the people of Seattle who really went for it and covered the wall with more.  Eventually (after numerous clean ups) the theater gave up and the cite accepted the wall as a (rather discussing) tourist attraction.

The wall itself is pretty big and covers around 30 square feet.  You would be amazed just how much gum is on the wall and how high people get it!  Every now and then the city comes round and cleans up the very bottom of the wall and of course the floor where all the gum falls off.  But the leave the majority of the gum there.

The wall is a very popular location for wedding photographers (every brides dream I should imagine to get photographed here), also it’s common to see “I love you” or signs  like “Julie will you go to the prom with me”? All spelt out in gum!  So the wall looks cool (I think) and is kind-a fun, except for the smell, which is horrible.  It just smells of sticky sweet candy and really isn’t very nice at all.

However, on the other side of the Alley, the city has decreed that no gum is allowed, they even have signs saying “No Gum”.  Again, another challenge for the city residents.  They of course cover this wall with gum too and decorate the “No Gum” sign for the city too (which is nice of them I think).  Every week the city cleans the wall and the residents of the Seattle start again.

I couldn’t resist this side, I think it’s funny that it’s covered with gum too and had to get a shot.  Maybe there’s a little rebel in me too!

Now I have no idea what Orbeez are, but they start really small and grow when they are put into water.  Needless to say, Master Chief and Carter decided to make some toeday.