Tonight I thought I’d post another hotel from Las Vegas.  This time it’s Paris.  Now I should remind everyone before I write this that I am British (yes I’m American too, but I was born and brought up in England).  So it shouldn’t be a big surprise to anyone who’s reading this that I’m not a big fan of France.  Yes I love their wine and cheese and am quite jealous of their lovely weather, but that’s about it.

I’ve visited France many times and can honestly say it’s not my favorite place.  To some extent most French people (from my experience) are not huge fans of the Brits, so the “love to hate” relationship is mutual.  I won’t bore you with all the history details (that doesn’t go back as far as you’d think) but it is what it is.

So what better place for an English guy to enjoy the Eiffel Tower and French Cuisine that Las Vegas!  I mean it’s perfect.  Enjoy some great restaurants and still feel good about myself in the morning.

This picture was taken one night from outside the Bellagio, which is across the road from Paris.  The hotel looked amazing with the Eiffel Tower and big balloon and the gold lights on the hotel.  There was a lot of traffic so I had to shoot above the cars but I don’t think it hurt the image.  So while I’m not going back to Paris France, I might well stay here.

Carter paired his Windows Phone with a Jawbone Bluetooth speaker and then got down to some cool tunes!

I really wanted to post a Freemont Street picture from my trip to Las Vegas, but none of them turned out that great.  For example in this example I didn’t get the Freemont neon sign in the image at the top of the frame!  What was I thinking.

If you’ve ever been to Freemont in Vegas you probably understand the problem.  There are a lot of distractions here and I may not have been focused (mentally) on doing a great job.  But as it was such a funny evening I thought I’d post the image and tell you about it.

I think this was the Friday night after the conference and we wanted to go to Freemont to capture some cool neon lights.  So we jumped in a cab and off we set.  Now this is really down-town Las Vegas and not that far from the strip.  But on this Friday night the traffic was unbelievably bad.  We were sat in one lane on the freeway (I’ve no idea why we took the freeway) while everyone else went past.  When you are in a strange city you really have to trust your taxi driver, but this guy was taking liberties.  Eventually we got off the freeway and he then changed into the lane that had been driving past us for the last 5 minutes.  When we arrived at Freemont Street and the charge was $45!

Apparently the reason for the bad traffic was there was a Gay Rights Pride march through town and the place was packed with people.  You have NEVER seen anything like it, it was actually pretty funny.  Like the strip there were numerous people in costume waiting for you to ask them to pose for a picture, only this time the costumes were a little more “mature” in nature.  I won’t elaborate here but if you see me ask.  Needless to say I have lots of interesting pictures that I’ll never post here.

After an hour there all the lights went off and we were treated to a video rock concert on the ceiling.  Pretty fun but I kept checking my wallet as it was a pick pockets dream.  While we watched the show above we did encounter one baby in a stroller staring up and his face was a picture.  Pity I didn’t capture it.

Anyway I captured the shot below that does show the neon lights overhead pretty well.  The people in the image at the bottom of the picture were pretty clear and some weren’t “family friendly” so I blurred them deliberately.  This is however one time where I wish I was back there with my side angle lens.  I’d love to try and capture this street again.  Maybe next year.

The guys decided to have a walkie talkie conversation tonight, but they probably should have stood further apart.

Tonight’s picture captures another sculpture from Hoover Dam.  This piece of art work is pretty new though, the piece was commissioned in 1998 and depicts one of the most dangerous jobs required to build the dam.  The job is called a High Scaler and involves sitting in a little “bosun’s chair” and being suspended hundreds of feet in the air and setting charges into the face of the canyon’s walls to remove lose rock!  The status is based on Joe Kine who carried out this job for a few large dams in the 1930s and 1940s.  The monument is dedicated to the 98 men who lost their life during the dams construction and actually sits on the visitors car park.

So as you drive up you see this statue and it grabs your eye immediately, it’s really impressive.  We parked up and I immediately ran to the sculpture to get a picture.  Unfortunately the statue was back lit and my first few shots captured a great silhouette.  It took me a few attempts to get the angle right so I could light the front of the statue.  Ideally I would have had a flash with me to light it up even more, but it was ridiculously hot and we couldn’t be bothered to go back to the car to get them. (That’s terrible to admit but the truth).   So I made do and eventually go the shot below.

The statue is not that high off the floor (around 6 feet).  But I didn’t want the floor in the shot so I had to get quite close.  But I love the blue sky in the background the and red rock he’s climbing.  When I got home I was very pleased with the image and think it came out well.

Sometimes at night you just need a nice bowl of cereal.  The guys saw a commercial on TV and ran to get out some Life!

I looked through my picture library tonight and decided to post this image from Hoover Dam.  This is a really rare picture of the dam with nobody in shot.  Talk about having patience I waited ages for this image.

Obviously there are two sides to the dam, there’s the water side (this side) and the “dry” side.  It was ridiculously hot there and getting a good picture in direct sunlight was proving to be difficult.  But this one really came out well.  I stupidly didn’t have a wide angle lens with me so getting “everything” in to really show the dam was very difficult.  So I had to chose compositions that showed enough to make an interesting picture but still showed the majesty of the dam.

This really is an amazing piece of engineering, especially when you consider when it was built (1931-1936).  In this image I’m standing in Nevada, looking across the dam towards Arizona.  I have no idea what the purpose of the large towers are but they look really cool coming out of the aqua marine water.  When I looked at this image when I got home it’s almost like a landscape from “starwars” or something, it just strikes me as something from another planet.  For this reason I LOVED the image.

What made this fun to take was I was using a new tripod but to get the picture I wanted I needed to put the tripod onto the bridge wall.  However I needed to get the camera as low to the bridge as I could.  So I turned the legs upside down and turned the tripod over, so the camera was hanging upside down under the top of the tripod.  People were walking past me looking at me like I was nuts.  but this was the end result so well worth the stares.

This is art imitating life!  Tonight I got home with a horrible headache, I think Carter was feeling it too hence the picture.

One night while in Las Vegas we hit the road with our cameras to see what we could find.  Without a doubt the best time to photograph Vegas is when the sun goes down.  There was so much to see (both amazing buildings and very strange people) that I took hundreds of pictures.

As we were walking down the strip we came across some very strange individuals.  The latest thing (I didn’t see it last time I was there) is for people to walk the streets dressed up in costume and try to get you to photograph them for a fee.  They will either pose on their own or with you but either way it costs.  Now we had no interest in these people but as we were carrying camera’s and tripods they sometimes took an interest in us.

When we reached the Hard Rock Cafe I wanted to take a picture.  The cafe was actually on the other side of the road but if I crossed I would have been too close to get what I wanted in frame (I neglected to take my super wide lens).  So I decided to shoot it as traffic shot past (that’s what the red and yellow lines are at the bottom of the image).

Anyway as I’m trying to take a picture, this “nutta” comes up behind me dressed as Frankenstein monster.  The dude was huge, well over 6′ 5″ and he clearly wanted me to shoot him instead.  Much to other passers by enjoyment he started getting super close behind me, mimicking what I was doing.

So you have to imagine my dilemma, I’m standing there with $10,000 of camera gear with a 6′ 7″ green monster encroaching on my “personal space”.  What should I do?  Tell him to get lost, leg it, whack him with the tripod? (All crossed my mind.)  In the end I thought sod it, and completely ignored the lune and took the picture below.  Once he realized he wasn’t getting anywhere he buggered off and left me alone, and I got the shot I wanted.

I wasn’t sure what the traffic would come out like, there were a lot of cars on the road but they were all pretty low and didn’t affect the scene on the other side of the road.  So I just took a few shots and decided I’d see what it would looked like when I got home.  After processing I think this came out pretty well.  I like the red and orange lines showing the traffic lights, and the Hard Rock Cafe guitar looks great.

Carter and Master Chief have been trying different kinds of Soda recently, as you can see they have gone through quite a few!