14. April 2012 · Comments Off on Tide Pools – Rosario Beach · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

While visiting Rosario Beach last week I actually went down to the water’s edge to take a picture.  Now this looks like the sea but really it’s Puget Sound, the sea is a bit further out.  But it still looked good.

The thing I liked, that caught my attention were the tide pools.  When I was a kid, my family and I would spend our summer holidays at the beach in the West Country of England in a county called Cornwall.  We went back to the same small village a few times, the place was called Bude.  My mother was evacuated there during the war as London wasn’t safe, so when she had a family she would drag us all there for our summer holidays.

While Bude was a very quaint village, the weather wasn’t always great and I remember many a year sitting on the beach under and umbrella in the rain as my dad said “We’ve come to the beach so we are going to spend the day here” (or something like that).  At the time I was miserable but I do look back with fond memories.  So what’s this got to do with tide pools?

Well one of the main reasons we went back, was that the coast line of Cornwall looked very much like this picture below.  My Mum loved these pools of water and we would lose her for hours when she would go looking for tiny crabs and fish with a little net.  In fact I remember all we could see of her was her bent over with her arse in the air!  Very funny.

Anyway I thought the image below looked really nice and it did remind me of those cold summer vacations as a kid.  Hope you like it too.

We had our first bbq of the year today and the Halo guys offered to help out.  However, height is not their strong point and they didn’t do too well.