29. August 2012 · Comments Off on I90 Night Bridge – Seattle · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , , , ,

Wednesday’s are a bad day for me lately.  I get to work at 7:30 and stay here until gone 9 at night.  So I really don’t get much time to take a picture and post it.

So to overcome that I now get two pictures on Tuesday (clever eh?).  Then all I have to do on Wednesday is write something about the image and I’m done.

So last night I drove to Seattle and photographed the Seattle Boat Club (not to be confused with the Seattle Yacht Club that is in a totally different place).  After shooting that image I went looking for today’s picture.

I was driving sown Lake Washington Boulevard and I saw the I90 Bridge all lit up.  It was pretty dark by this time so they had these red lights along the bridge, and loads of traffic headlights and stop lights on the bridge itself.

So I found somewhere to park and took the image below.  When I took this I was a little worried it may be a little boring as the sky on the back of the camera didn’t look that great.  But when I got home I was pleased with the image.  This was I think a 10 second exposure (or something like that), so you can see the lines of lights from the cars on the bridge.

I managed to get some cloud detail in the sky so it looked ok.  Not bad for a Wednesday image.

Tonight Cater and Master Chief wanted a Caesar Salad, so we made them make it themselves!

27. August 2012 · Comments Off on Lock Railway Bridge – Ballard · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , , , ,

In yesterday’s posting I told you about visiting Ballard Locks in Seattle – I was lucky enough to get a few good shots and today’s posting is another one from the visit.   Yesterday’s tug boat entered the lock from Lake Union and to get out of the Lake and into the lock it had to get past the Ballard railway bridge.  I was there at exactly the right time to shoot the boat as the bridge raised and the tug boat sailed underneath.

The boat was moving pretty fast so I couldn’t HDR the image, I had to shoot just one shot and process that when I got home.  We had quite a bit of cloud cover (it rained a little on the way home) but it came out as very grey in the finished picture.  So I single file tone mapped the image to bring a bit of texture and color back.

The end result looked pretty good, with the yellow tug boat under a blue grey sky.

Ten minutes before I took this shot a train went across the bridge, it actually wasn’t that impressive so I didn’t take a picture, but it did show that the bridge was still fully functional.  I actually liked this image best but I let Lisa pick the image for yesterday’s posting.  This really was one of those moments when you knew you had a great shot the moment the shutter closed.

Carter wanted to play basketball this evening but the ball was flat, so he helped pump it up.

20. August 2012 · Comments Off on I90 Lake Washington Bridge – Seattle · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , , ,

Abi and I were driving along Lake Washington Boulevard right by the lake looking for something to shoot.  We were in a pretty expensive area on the western shore driving through Coleman Park when I found the perfect subject.  We drove under the I90 Lake Washington Bridge and I thought it would make a great picture.

So we parked up right outside a waterfront house that was two houses away from these bridges.  I mention this as the house was for sale and while it was really beautiful, it was pretty much under these bridges.  And the cost… 2.2 million dollars.  So you have to ask yourself, how much does one cost that’s not next to huge bridges like these?

Anyway, Abi and I grabbed the tripod and ran past the houses and down a small embankment to the waters edge.  Set up the tripod and captured the image below.  Looking through the view finder I knew this was going to be a nice image, but even I was blown away when I got home and processed the shot.

Some of my images are nice I think, but this one made me gasp!  Lisa and the kids felt the same so I’m betting everyone else hates it – haha you never can win.  As the sun was going down, you can see the red glow of the sunset on the other side of the lake, the underside of the bridges were really dark.  So this is actually a seven image HDR picture.

The land you can see at the end of the bridge is actually Mercer Island in the middle of Lake Washington.  Over to the left on the other side of the lake you can make out some sky scrapers.  This is the city of Bellevue.  The colors in this image came out really well, with the sun hitting Mercer and the blue sky, and the light on the water, this could be one of my favorite pictures of the year.

Master Chief wanted to have a go at escapeology, but found he sucked at that and Carter had to help him get out.

10. August 2012 · Comments Off on Suspension Bridge – Bellevue · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

The other day I posted an image of the Suspension Bridge at the Botanical Gardens in Bellevue.  You find this 150′ bridge if you follow the “Ravine Experience” nature walk through the park.  Usually I take wide angle shots of structures like this so you can see the whole thing.  But lately I’m trying to find an alternative perspective (that’s a posh photography or “arty” way of saying a different or interesting view).

With modern cameras anyone can take a correctly exposed picture that’s in focus, in fact it’s quite hard not to.  But the difference between a holiday snap and a beautiful picture is all about reading, understanding and manipulating light and learning how to compose scenes that draw the eye in and either tell a story or leave the viewer with a strong emotion.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not suggesting I’m good at this or know how to create those strangely compelling images that you can’t stop looking at, but I’m trying.  What’s funning is as I’m a total geek and cameras have so many knobs and buttons, sometimes I go so excited about the technology I forget the composition.

If nothing else, this New Years resolution has got me out of the house and forced me to take a LOT of pictures and I *think* I’m getting better.

I really liked this image.  You can clearly see this is a suspension bridge and you can see it’s surrounded by forest.  I liked the texture of the brick in the base pillar and to draw your eye to it I kept that in focus and made the rest of the bridge slowly fall out of focus.

Tonight Carter and Master Chief decided to do some ironing and we witnessed a terrible accident!

So yesterday I visited the Botanical Gardens in Bellevue.  In hindsight this was a silly day to go as it was over 95 degrees outside.  I also very cleverly chose not to put on any sun screen and I have one of those bodies that burns really easily.  So like I said, dumb idea.  The gardens themselves cover 53 acres in the middle of Bellevue city and contain cultivated gardens, restored woodlands and natural wetlands.

As it was really hot I kept away from the open gardens with all the flower beds, I suspect that the direct sunlight would have been pretty harsh in the pictures and wouldn’t have looked good (it very rarely does) so I kept to the woodland trails.

As I was walking around I saw a sign for the new “Ravine Experience”.  I had no idea what this was but as I was walking under huge firs and cedars I figured it was safe to check it out.  The trail took me down a number of hills and I won’t lie, I was dreading the walk back to the car as it was going to be up some pretty big hills.  And remember I’m walking with a pretty heavy camera bag and a tripod.

Along the way I passed a few other hikers who said hello, but pretty much the gardens were empty.  Eventually I found out what the “Ravine Experience” was.

The gardens had added a really cool suspension bridge over a ravine.  The bridge was 150 feet long and about 5 feet wide.  The ravine was around 100 feet deep so you are relatively high up.  Of course once I reached the bridge I grabbed the camera and got ready to take some pictures, and then the masses arrived, family after family appearing from nowhere started crossing the bridge and the whole thing was swinging.  I don’t mind that really as you have to have patience for this hobby, but then a couple stopped on the bridge, looked at me and just decided to make me wait 10 minutes!

Eventually everyone left and I had the area to myself.  I took a number of different shots, some of the whole bridge, some from the front getting everything in, some from the side getting a different perspective and they all looked nice.  But my favorites were shots like the one I’m posting below.  For this one I focused on one of the suspension cables and selected a very narrow depth of field so a majority of the bridge fell out of focus.

I loved this look when I got home, it’s kind of different but you know what you’re looking at.  I’m sure I’ll post others of the bridge in the future so this was definitely worth the walk and heat, although I was a total mess when I got back to the car, fortunately I have no picture of that!

Carter saw Abi on the trampoline yesterday and got all jealous, so today he did a straddle jump too.