01. February 2012 · Comments Off on Duvall Barn – Duvall · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

Today’s image was taken in Duvall.  Duvall is a very small city in Washington located between Carnation and Monroe.  It’s around 10 miles from Redmond and is a large community neighborhood for (amongst others) Microsoft employees.

It’s very quaint in Duvall (if that sounds condescending I don’t mean it to), it has a small high street of shops and almost looks like it comes directly from the 50’s (well it does to me).

Anyway I was driving through Duvall and went straight past this barn.  It looked almost derelict with its moss-covered roof that was falling off.   I immediately thought it would make a great picture so I turned the car around and stopped to take the shot.  I liked the two windows at the top of the barn too as to me they almost look like eyes.

There was a little bit of blue sky poking through and even a little green grass at the front.  Add to that the clouds looked pretty cool (it had rained earlier in the day).

Hope you like the image.

James (my son) has recently got into skateboarding and when it’s dry outside can usually be found skating round the neighborhood.  Not to be out done our Halo hero’s wanted to try it too.  Although I betting this will end in tears!
