09. September 2012 · Comments Off on Candy Girl – Las Vegas · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: ,

Well today was an interesting day, I went to the Apple Store to have them look at my week old MacBook Pro and was ready to get angry with them when they said “you have a hardware issue – lets get you a new computer”.  I have to say I was very impressed.  It appeared that one of the on-board heat sensors was faulty and that’s what was causing the issue.  In hindsight, I guess it could have been because I left the computer in the trunk of the car while at Hoover Dam (and it was over 100 degrees outside – probably a lot more in the trunk) – but then Chris’ computer was in the same place and his was fine.  Anyway, I got a nice new one and it’s fully loaded up and full of images.

So I was able to select another image from the Vegas trip.  This time I’m posting another model image, again this was captured at the Westcott display at the show’s expo.  I’m calling this one Candy Girl as her hair is full of candy.  She has a cheeky grin on her face (very Pam from True Blood I thought) and gave me a look at just the right time.  I liked the set too with the deep red chandelier, having that out of focus in the background gave a nice balance to the image (although it does tend to pull you away from the model).

I was fighting for space when I captured this (again) it was total chaos at the set with loads of photographers elbowing each other trying to get in the right position.  What was funny was that in the next bay (they had two) was a male model and nobody was trying to photograph him.

I do have another model picture to post but it wasn’t that great but I’ll hang on to that in case I have an emergency.  This one I felt was good.

Today, back home, Carter and Master Chief decided to do some homework and review the notes and course notes they got a Photoshop World.

07. September 2012 · Comments Off on Scary Girl – Las Vegas · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: ,

A couple of day’s ago I posted a picture that I captured in the Westcott display at the Photoshop expo.  They have a number of stages set up with all their lights and professional models.  The image I posted the other day was called Sad Girl as the model was clearly uncomfortable.

Today’s image is totally different.  This girl was made and dressed up in a horror kind-a outfit.  She looked really good and was clearly used to lots of middle aged men pointing cameras at her.  She was very confident and pulling all sorts of faces that went along with her look.

These bays were manic, there were so many people fighting to get close to take a picture and we had to be pretty patient to get our shot.  What made matters worse was that we had expensive gear with really nice portrait lenses that required we stood back from the model, but every time we stepped back some idiot would go in front with their crappy cheap camera and lens and get in the way.

Anyway we bided out time, I called out to her and asked her to look my way and she gave me a great stare.  I got a few really good frames and chose one of them to post tonight.

Unfortunately the conference is now over and tomorrow we are driving over to Hoover Dam to get some shots there.  Then it’s home to review all the images I captured and pick which ones I post here.

Today Carter decided to checkout the artwork in the Mandalay Bay hotel.  They have some very interesting pieces.

05. September 2012 · Comments Off on Sad Girl – Las Vegas · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: ,

So today was our first full day at Photoshop World.  We attended the Key Note opening presentation and then went to some classes with Joe McNally (an amazing photographer).

After that we attended the Expo where a number of resellers were showing their products.  The expo was really good, there was loads of amazing photography stuff there – Lisa’s worst nightmare!  But today I didn’t buy a thing, I’m really proud of myself.

Anyway, one of the resellers (Westcott) sells a lot of lighting equipment and they had a couple of “bays” set up with lights.  Each bay had a model posing for passers by.  If you had a camera (and we did) you could just snap away and test out how good the lights were.

What made this funny (and sad) is one of the girls was dressed in 1940’s lingerie and was clearly not that comfortable with all the photographers there.  Sure she was smiling at each person with a camera, but the eyes never lie.  Every now and then her smile would drop and you could see she really wasn’t enjoying it.

I guess being a model you are used to having your picture taken, but when there are so many people fighting to get in front of you it’s got to be pretty scary.  I really felt for her.  But then I thought sod it and took her picture too.

Today Carter and Master Chief visited the casino and I found them tonight splitting their winnings.

18. August 2012 · Comments Off on Saturday Walk – Redmond · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

Today was a lot cooler than earlier in the week and it felt a little “muggy” out, like a thunder storm was coming.  That said it was still warm  so we decided to take the dog out to Marymoor Park.

Marymoor covers around 640 acres and provides loads of outdoor facilities for Redmond residents.  They have baseball and soccer fields, nature trails, a velodrome for keen cyclists, a concert area where they are currently showing movies at night, a huge area for model plane enthusiasts and an off leash pet area where dogs can run free and play.

We take Roxie there every now and then and she loves running the trails and meeting other dogs.  One trail takes you along a large lake and loads of dogs fetch balls and swim in the water.  While on the trail we came across one dog, called “Ballmer” who was playing with his ball in the water.  We watched as his owner tried to get him to drop the ball for around 15 minutes, I was exhausted watching the dog who wouldn’t give it up.  He kept jumping into the lake and splashing everyone, clearly the dog was having a great time but I really felt for his family, Ballmer needed a lot of exercise!

Roxie on the other hand just watched from the side, relatively uninterested.  She doesn’t like water much, and James’ hobby of holding her over water to watch her “swim in the air” probably doesn’t help.

We were out for around 40 minutes and on our way back to the car I took this picture of Abi and her friend Charlotte.  They were both having a great time and gladly jumped into the long grass so I could take a picture.

It’s a little early to say Summer is over, but things are definitely cooling down, so getting these out door pictures now is kind of a good idea.  We had a great time walking in the park and on the way home got some bagels from Blazing Bagels (definitely worth a visit).

Today the guys spent some time in the garden chasing bubbles

05. August 2012 · Comments Off on Abi – Home · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

I had a really good day today, we had a lazy Sunday and again it was really hot (over 95 degrees), and I got some great pictures.  First I decided to go out and see what I could shoot, but I didn’t want to go to Seattle as the I90 bridge was closed as the Seattle Sea Fair was on today and the Blue Angels were flying across Lake Washington.  As a result I thought I’d go to the Botanical Gardens in Bellevue.

I got there around 3pm and it was incredibly hot.  Fortunately there weren’t too many people there so I got to walk around the garden trails taking pictures without people in the way.  I found a really cool suspension bridge and got some great shots.  They also have a lot of rock gardens and flowering perennials but they were in direct sunlight and wouldn’t have come out that well.  So I’m definitely going back one evening after work when the sun is lower in the sky, I should get some great shots then.

That said I still got lots of really nice images that I’ll be posting in the days to come.  On the way home I saw a really cool old Chevy truck so I pulled over to shoot that, and then in my own neighborhood there were some wonderful trees covered in red berries, so I shot some of them too (against a lovely blue sky).  So I got home quite excited with lots of pictures to pick from for tonight’s image.

Then, Abi decided to go into the garden and play on her trampoline.  Now for those who don’t know, Abi is a very keen gymnast.  She trains 3 times a week putting in nine hours in her gym.  Then she comes home and spends hours on the trampoline and her own floor beam and mats.  She starts to compete in October and I’ll be going along to cheer her on and take lots of pictures.

Anyway she was bouncing up and down and doing back hand springs and flips, so I thought I’d take a picture.  I’ll be honest I didn’t think the image would come out that well but the D4 camera is just amazing.  We got the picture below after around 15 attempts, she was doing amazingly well but I had to figure out timing and wait for a shot when her hair wasn’t in her face.

I’m really pleased with the end result, she looks beautiful and I’m going to print this one out and put in on the wall.

Tonight, Carter and Master Chief decided to play a little basket ball, here you can see Carter’s basket and Master Chief’s attempt to block.