23. June 2012 · Comments Off on Ferris Wheel – Seattle · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , , ,

After 6 months of waiting I finally have my new camera and would you believe that since it arrived, it’s not stopped raining.  I wanted to go out today to get some shots (as yesterday was totally written off) so I jumped into the car after breakfast and drove over to Issaquah.

I thought I’d go to the Lake Sammamish Park and see if I could shoot something on the water.  It was dry when I left home and spotting as I entered the park, but I figured I had enough time to get some pictures.  How wrong can you be.  As I parked up, the sky’s opened and it was like a bucket of water was pored over my car, I couldn’t believe how heavy it started to come down.

So, feeling dejected I headed home convinced that this would be another day with no new pictures.  When I got home Lisa was going to Bell Square Mall so I thought I’d go with her, we were dropping Abi off at a party and thought we’d hang in the Mall for a couple of hours.  While there I popped into the Talls Camera store and saw they had a D4 for sale.  I asked the guy working there when he got it in and he told me he gets them in every week – has for ages – and has sold loads!  I couldn’t believe it – I could have had my camera months ago!  So it was clearly turning into a really crappy day.

After we picked up Abi we headed home and the skies cleared and the sun came out – typical. Lisa, Abi and I went out for dinner (James wasn’t interested) and got home at 8:30 at night.  On the way home the sky looked great and the sun was going down.  So I decided to go out again with the camera and look for a nice sunset shot.

So I grabbed the gear and drove to Seattle, I had around 40 minutes to get to the city, find a parking place and get a shot.  Fortunately the roads were pretty empty and I made great time, I was parked up on the water front in 35 minutes.  I ran to a pier and looked for a subject to shoot.

I haven’t been to Seattle for a while and apparently Seattle had decided to put up a large ferris wheel, similar to the London Eye in England.  It isn’t open to the public yet, Lisa told me it wont be until later in the summer, but I thought it might make a good subject.  The sun was going down just behind the wheel and the pier was lit up with red and orange lights.  So I set up the tripod and started shooting.

I’m pretty pleased with the image I got and just relieved that I finally captured a nice image with the camera (and it stopped raining). Hopefully I’ll get some more shots tomorrow.

Carter and Master Chief decided to make a model of the Space Needle today.  Here you can see Master Chief adding the finishing touches.

20. April 2012 · Comments Off on Snoqualmie River – Fall City · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , , ,

Tonight I thought I’d post this image of the Snoqualmie River in Fall City.  I was there as the sun was starting to go down and was fortunate to pick up some red sky.  While the river was high, it wasn’t that high which is surprising when you consider the rain we’ve had.  But then at this time of year rain’s to be expected.

This shot was taken early evening and there were loads of cars on the road to my left.  I’ve become completely immune to the stares I get when I get the camera out, but I still find it funny that people get so interested in someone with a camera.  I think passersby are terrified they’re missing something, hence the usual “what are you doing?” question.

It you look at the river bank you can see some tulips and daffodils.  I tried to photograph them too but almost slid down the bank into the river.  I take a ground mat with me in the car these days so I can lie on the floor and not get too dirty.  I placed it on the bank the got on the mat and started to slide!  Not a great idea.

I think the image came out really well, it’s a pretty city and the river bank park is very quaint.

Carter and Master Chief went exploring at work and found the Stationary Room.  Apparently when you’re very small bulldog clips and elastic bands can give you hours of fun!

23. March 2012 · Comments Off on Grass Lawn Park – Redmond · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , , ,

Today was a really nice day.  Sunny and warm with a beautiful blue sky.  I left work quite late tonight and on the way home drove over to Grass Lawn Park to take some pictures.  The sun was just going down behind some trees and I found this great looking yurt in the park.  I positioned the camera so the sun was peeking through the trees and got a great shot of the yurt, with the sun behind and a great red sky.

Fortunately all the people in the park were behind me so none of them got in the image.  I walked around the park a little more but it was full of families and kids playing soccer and I’m not sure it’s a good idea to just start photographing kids playing in the park.

On the way home I drove through Fall City and Carnation but no other pictures grabbed me.  When I got home I checked out the yurt picture and it came out pretty well, so that’s my posting for today.

I had to buy a new XBox a couple of weeks ago and found the Halo guys tonight trying to break into the box to get the games console out!

24. February 2012 · Comments Off on Pond Sunset – Redmond · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , , ,

I was trying to figure out what to post tonight (didn’t get home from work until 8:30) and I found this image below.  I took this one evening on the way home just after we had a bit of snow fall.  I literally saw this pond by the side of the road, pulled over and got my camera out.  I’ve been doing that a lot lately (and people look at me like I’m nuts).

The sun was setting and it looked nice over the water and I saw the long grass by the side of the road and thought it would add to the picture – something in the foreground to catch your eye.  Fortunately the snow wasn’t here for very long, having said that it’s forecast to come back again this weekend (not good).

I don’t know about you but I love to play Battleships and it appears that our Halo chums do too!

20. February 2012 · Comments Off on Sunset Over Elliott Bay – Seattle · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , , ,

I captured this image yesterday from the observation roof of the cruise terminal in Seattle.  The view is overlooking Elliott Bay as the sun sets.  You can see a ferry coming in in the center of the picture, I’m not sure where it’s coming from but it’s either Bainbridge Island or Bremerton.

I liked the idea of composing the image just above one of the binoculars and using that as a point of reference the viewer can follow.  I had to compose the image as I did as there was a load of machinery down on the dock and when in frame it was overly distracting.  That said I couldn’t remove it completely at capture time and had to take it out in post processing when I got home (that’s two hours I’ll never get back)!

I actually like this image more than yesterday’s and particularly like the sun’s reflection on the water.

Halo guys wanted a break from the kitchen tonight so they ordered take-out!