As you know (if you read this site) yesterday I went to Mount Vernon to the annual Skagit County Tulip Festival.  If you read yesterday’s posting you will also know that unfortunately the tulips hadn’t bloomed yet so I had to shoot other subjects instead.

The first place we visited was Roozengaarde which have nice manicured gardens you can walk around.  Now in Roozengaarde they actually did have a lot of flowers, some of which were tulips and I took (as you’d expect) a lot of pictures – I’m sure you’ll see many of these soon.  The gardens are broken up in to different areas by fences and flower beds and on one of the fences there were a number of decorative metal sculptures.  They have clearly been there a while as some were pretty rusty but with the sun shining I thought they looked great, so out came the camera and tripod and I grabbed some shots.

Today’s image was of one of the fence decorations, this red metal flower was right at the end of the fence and looked great against a predominantly green background.  I tried waiting until nobody was behind before I took the shot but the best I could do was one guy behind a bush, behind the flower.  So I reduced the depth of field (amount of picture that was in focus) and got the image below.

It was a lovely day and Roozengaarde is well worth a visit.

Carter was especially happy today as the Easter Bunny visited with some chocolate goodness!