08. August 2012 · Comments Off on Sun House – Bellevue · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: ,

The Botanical Gardens in Bellevue were really beautiful the other day.  The temperature was ridiculously hot so I kept under the cover of trees by following the woodland trails.  While winding my way around the park I found this Japanese Sun House.  I took several pictures from different perspectives but due to the trees near by (especially off to the left in the picture below) the image I’m posting tonight is the best one.

The house only had 3 walls and inside there were a number of wooden benches where you could sit and enjoy the gardens.  I was lucky when I got there to take this as there was nobody else around.  Ironically shortly after that a wedding party turned up (they arrived in a stretch Hummer limousine – I saw it when I left) to take some pictures.

Now I have nothing against wedding parties or wedding photographers (not that I’d ever photograph a wedding – get that wrong and there’s no opportunity for a do-over, who wants that pressure), but some of them can be a real pain in the ass.  The guy photographing the wedding party basically took over the area and started bossing me and other visitors about.  Now you don’t need a license to photograph a wedding party at the Botanical Gardens so anyone can do it, and I have as much right to be there as a wedding party, so I get a bit angry when they start telling me to get out of the way, specifically when I got there first!

I encountered this same problem in Maui, there were these photographers who went to the beach at sunset to photograph a client.  But the beach is public property, they don’t own it but you would think they did.  I find it all very annoying!

Anyway I had fortunately already taken my pictures so I buggered off and left them too it.

I really liked the image below when I got home, it definitely captured the beauty of the area and the serene tranquil influence of the trees around the house.

Now coming from England I get all sorts of negative comments from people at work about British food, but the Halo guys wanted to try some traditional English food and decided to check out Lisa’s cooking book.  They decided to make some “Spotted Dick” – Yummy!

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