14. September 2012 · Comments Off on Chandelier – Las Vegas · Categories: Image a Day · Tags:

I have loads of images from Vegas but I couldn’t decide what to post tonight.  I sat here for a few hours post processing images and the came across this chandelier image.  Lisa really liked it so I thought I’d make this tonight’s picture.

I photographed this chandelier in the Eye Candy bar in the Mandalay Bay, we were sitting at the bar on our last day (we were actually waiting for the right time to leave – how sad is that?)  And I say the chandelier and thought it might look cool.

I selected a really shallow depth of field so the small light at the front was in focus and everything else was blurred.  The light really was this orange and the picture is a pretty accurate representation of the real thing.

I was at work today and saw this pen and I thought I’d bring it home for Abi.  Anyway Master Chief and Carter didn’t like and I found them trying to beat it up!  Ironically the pen won.

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