01. November 2012 · Comments Off on (Another) Sunset – Redmond · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

Now I know what you are thinking, “not another sunset – what’s going on?”  Well, firstly, yes I am shooting a lot of sunsets right now and really there are two very good reasons.

Firstly the day’s are getting shorter and I’ve just taken on a new role at work and the day’s at work are rather long, so it’s either shoot a sunrise at the beginning of the day or a sunset at the end.  Even though I have my camera with me all the time at work I’m just too busy to get it out during the day.

But there’s actually another reason too.  A few weeks I started a Bellevue College Course called “Shoot to Show”.  The purpose of the course is to learn how to put on a gallery show, and hopefully sell some prints.  Part of the course involves us picking a subject and going out and shooting some images.  Then we print and frame the pictures and show for a few days and see what happens.  Anyway, we are well underway in the course and our “theme” is “Beginning and End of Day”.  We are allowed to pretty much interpret this as we like but for me I guess it’s pictures like these sunsets.

So that’s what’s happening, I’m capturing a number of nice sunsets for the course.  Obviously I need to share these with the class, but if you remember the “rules” I came up with at the beginning of the year, I can’t post an image here if it’s been seen by anyone else.  So before I can show the class my work I have to post the image.  The result is you get to see a lot of sunsets.  Hope you don’t mind.

I guess I should tell you about this image.  Well summer is definitely over!  We have a lot of rain and some interesting clouds.  This may not be very nice for warm evening walks, but it sure makes nice pictures.  I was driving home and saw this sky near my home.  So (well you know now how this works) I pulled over and took the shot.  This one is definitely all about sky.  I exposed for the sky too hence the grass at the bottom of the screen is quite dark.  I did try to raise the exposure of this a little but both Lisa and I preferred it a little darker – as it focuses the eyes above.

This evening Master Chief had a terrible accident!  He fell in a cup of tea.  I found Carter trying to pull him out, at least I think that’s what he was trying to do!

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