05. November 2012 · Comments Off on Snoqualmie River – Fall City · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

Today’s image was taken the other day on the way home from work.  I say the way home, I did go on a little detour (about 10 miles) to Fall City.  I say City, but it’s pretty small (I don’t think it’s really a city but that’s it’s name).  In the UK we have little villages, bigger towns, and then there are massive cities.  I think to be a city in the UK you are suposed to have a cathedral.  Fall City has a mexican restaurant and a bar – but no cathedral.

Anyway I was driving over a bridge at the end of the high street and I saw the sky above river.  It looked really good.  The river was running pretty fast the water was framed by fall colors.  So I turned around and parked up.  Grabbed the camera and waled into the center of the bridge and started taking pictures.  Traffic was going past pretty fast and I think I was annoying the drivers, but you gotta do what’s necessary sometimes to take a nice pic.

Totally unrelated to today’s picture, today is November 5th, which in the UK is Bonfire Night or Guy Fawkes night.  For my American friends, this is the annual celebration when children create a full sized effigy of a man called Guy Fawkes who lived in the early 1600’s and tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament.  They then walk around their town and ask complete strangers for money saying “penny for the guy” and then spend the money of fireworks and burn the effigy on a large bonfire.  How cute is that?  This is my favorite stupid annual event.  I really miss November 5th int he UK.

Master Chief made some new friends today.  He was sitting at home waiting for Halo 4 to arrive.

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