10. November 2012 · Comments Off on Downtown Park – Bellevue · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

This afternoon I decided to go out with the camera and grab some pictures and I thought I’d try somewhere different.   So I went to Bellevue Downtown Park.  This is a really nice park in the middle of the city of Bellevue, right next to the Bell Square Mall.  I know this park pretty well as when we moved to America, Microsoft put us up in an apartment block right next to the park (and the Mall).  Obviously Lisa spent her first three months in the Mall (cost me a fortune!)

Anyway, back to the park.  The park is basically a large expanse of grass surrounded by a walking path that’s lit up with stone lamps.  There’s also a number of water features around the paths, and at one end is this pretty cool really wide waterfall.  Around Thanksgiving the city of Bellevue also open up an ice skating rink right by the waterfall and when I was there they were setting it all up.

I got there around 4pm just before sunset and took a load of pictures before the sun actually went down.  Then the lights in the park came on and I took a load more with the park all lit up.  So I have quite a few images to post.

This first image is actually the very last one I took.  This was taken right next to the ice rink (you can’t see it, it’s off to my right) at the base of some stairs by the waterfall.  I love this image and think the way the trees are all lit up looks great and the stairs kind of lead the eye up and out of the picture.  The city in the background is pretty cool too and you can see one end of the waterfall to the right.  It took a few attempts to get this as people kept coming down the stairs.  But in the end the patience paid off and I got a great shot.

Master Chief decided to “ride the bison” this afternoon.  I don’t think Carter was very impressed!

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