17. December 2012 · Comments Off on KeyArena – Seattle · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

Today I was pretty angry.  I’m sitting at my desk at work and I looked out my window and saw a beautiful afternoon.  Yes it was cold, but dry with a blue sky!  If you saw the state I was in yesterday after my photo trip out, you’d understand my frustration.  I was so wet it was ridiculous!  Yet one day later when I’m stuck at work, it’s a lovely day outside – it’s just not fair.  It’s kind’a hard to really show you how wet it was as I can’t really take nice pictures of rain, so you are just going to trust me that it was miserable.

Anyway, while out I walked around Seattle Center and found myself by KeyArena.  This is a large general purpose arena in Seattle and was the original home of the 1962 world fair (when the space needle was first opened).  It used to be the home of the Seattle SuperSonics basketball team but we sold them to Oklahoma City back in 2008.  Since then the arena is the home of concerts, visiting circuses, ice shows and professional wrestling.  It seats just over seventeen thousand people and this year it was the location for the Microsoft company meeting.

Outside KeyArena is this huge fountain.  In summer it’s literally full of kids running and playing in the water, but yesterday there was nobody there.  But surprisingly the fountain was on. So I walked out to the fountain (in the pouring rain), set up the tripod and grabbed the shot below.  People were running past me in the rain giving me funny looks.  One guy asked me if I got a nice picture but I was pretty much left alone.

I decided last night that I don’t care how bad my pictures are for the rest of the year, I’m NOT going out in the rain again.  Just saying…

Last night Lisa made burgers for dinner and after doing the dished James left the griddle and press out.  When I got home I found this sight!  Not sure why this happened but Master Chief and Carter were trying to “Press” Red.

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