02. March 2013 · Comments Off on OneRedmond Photo Shoot · Categories: Photography

I’ve been posting images online now for a quite a while and over the last year I’ve made a lot of new friends on Facebook, predominantly because of my “Picture a Day” posts.

Well one of the people I met on Facebook (is that what you call it) is a guy called Mike Arntzen.  Mike and his wife Rosalyn are involved in a Redmond City board that’s advertising the city through a campaign called OneRedmond.  If truth be told I don’t know much about the campaign but Mike reached out and asked if they could use some of my images in a brochure and website for the city.

Obviously being an armature photographer I was delighted by the request and of course said yes.

There were a couple of images though that Mike suggested would look great in the campaign and asked if I would take the pictures.  I think I actually offered to shoot anything else they wanted but either way Mike came up with some suggestions.

The first idea was I guess pretty obvious for a campaign like this, Mike wants a shot of the City Town Hall.  The second idea was pretty cool and something I hadn’t thought of before.  Mike came up with the idea for me to shoot one of the fire stations in Redmond.

So today, being dry was the ideal time to go out and see what I could get.  First I went to City Hall and got some shots from around the building.

The building is pretty new and quite impressive, but unfortunately one side of the building was spoilt by a large crane in the background.  So I had to shoot from only one side.  Still the pictures came out OK.

Next I drove over to the fire station on 185th.  If I’m going to shoot something with people in it, I kind of think you have to ask first (only polite I guess).  So I knocked on the door to the station and some of the guys came out.

I told them about the campaign and they were incredibly helpful and opened up the doors and let me get some great shots.  I took loads of pictures and am uploading some of my favorites tonight.

Of course when I got home Lisa was furious that I didn’t come and get her first.  She really liked the idea of accompanying me to the station to get some shots, perhaps acting as my “assistant” (her words).  Either way she missed the opportunity.

Anyway, check out the pictures and I’ll let you know when the OneRedmond site goes live so you can all check it out.

Here are the pictures of the City Hall.

And here are the fire station:

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