31. January 2012 · Comments Off on Peppers – Home · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: ,

I really wanted to try something different tonight.  I’ve been taking a lot of Landscape shots recently, and while I love that genre, I think I need to try new things.   Now I would do more portraits, but other than my family, I’d have to go out and actually find someone to shoot, and to be completely honest, I’m just too lazy.  As a result I have lots of family shots but not much else. (Need to do something about that).

Anyway, for tonight I thought I’d try food photography.  Never tried this before so this is a complete experiment.  I didn’t know what I wanted to shoot so I went to QFC and walked around with a basket looking for something interesting.  Oh sure I brought fruit (every kind of berry) but I was still looking for something new.  Then I found these peppers.  I immediately thought they would look great on white paper (loved the red and orange colors) so I grabbed a handful and rushed home.

Then I spent two hours setting up food shots.  I played around with these peppers first, then did some berry shots, dropped some strawberry’s in water and finished with food coloring.  Phew!

I’m pretty pleased with the results (for a first attempt) but ended the night with pepper burns in my nose (don’t cut peppers then pick your nose – huge mistake), and food dye all over my fingers (red and green, my hands look like a Christmas Tree).

After my shoot the Halo guys found the peppers with terrible results!  Apparently they are pretty hot!

Hot Peppers

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