20. July 2014 · Comments Off on Week 07 : Macro / Close Up · Categories: Image a Week

OK confession time.  Week 7 wasn’t Macro / Close up.  It was “Summer”.  But we decided that this topic sucked and decided to change it.  Unfortunately we didn’t change it to Macro either, we selected “insect”.  You know the kind of thing, those close up macro shots of a bug so it fills the screen.  So you can see all the hairs on it’s head or it’s bug shaped eyes.  We thought that would be cool.

So Friday night I get home and it’s still super sunny outside, so I go out into the garden with my camera, macro lens, some lights and my tripod to take that perfect bug picture.  Guess what.  No bugs.  Nothing.  Couldn’t find a single thing!  Ok that’s not completely true, but the bloody ants wouldn’t stand still and the spider I found in the web was being blown all over the place by the wind.  After a couple of hours of not ONE picture I got board.

So Saturday comes.  Back out there again and again NOT ONE BUG.  I mean, what the hell is going on, where did all the bugs go?  Just two weeks ago I couldn’t take a step without swatting a bee out of the way!  But Saturday was a failure again.

Sunday arrives and I’m starting to think all the insects are dead – is this the beginning of the end???  Then Kathryn, a friend calls me up and tells me she needs my photography services urgently.  I got all excited thinking, YES here comes my first boudoir shoot 🙂 but I get to her house and she wants me to shoot some bloody flowers!  Talk about disappointed.

Anyway, these flowers originally belonged to her mother (or Cameron’s mother – I can’t remember I was too upset about the no boudoir) and Kathryn’s daughter Danielle got them when her grandmother passed away.  They were old, very delicate and had sentimental value (and Kathryn wanted them gone).  So she thought I could photograph them for Danielle so she could keep those as a keep sake instead of the flowers.

Immediate I realized I’d brought the wrong gear.  I needed a macro lens and didn’t have one with me.  So I grabbed the flowers and took them home and spent an hour working on a number of nice compositions.  As this was a macro shot – and that’s very similar to shooting a bug (ok it’s not that similar but go with me on this one), I submitted this picture for week 7.

As I was the only person to submit a picture this week I felt pretty good.

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