07. February 2012 · Comments Off on Ducks – Kirkland · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , , ,

OK I admit it this is an odd posting.  The reality is that we (the family) liked both pictures and couldn’t agree on which “Duck” picture to post.

I was driving from Kirkland to Redmond and saw a small park by the water.  I pulled over, parked up, grabbed my camera gear and went to check out the area.  In truth there wasn’t much to see, but there were a load of ducks in the water.

Now I know what your thinking… Ducks!!! I’ve finally gone nuts.  Well yeah maybe I have, but what caught my attention was when the ducks started to stick their heads under water and their “tails” in the air, I guess they were looking for fish.  But there were around 5 ducks and it was almost synchronized!  It looked really funny.  So I started taking pictures and as per usual, all 5 didn’t go again at the same time.

So, I ended up with two pictures.  One of duck heads, and one of duck tails.  When I got home there was a big discussion over which picture to post.  Abi and I liked the tail one, but Lisa preferred the head.  To save any arguments I’ve included them both here, so you can decide yourself and pick a favorite.

Tonights Halo picture shows our two heroes playing “Tavel Shut the Box”.  I have no idea why!

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