11. February 2012 · Comments Off on Redmond Ridge Community Center – Redmond · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

I watched a video the other day on something called focus harvesting. This involves taking numerous shots of the same subject but with the focus on different things.  You then blend the images together to create a shot that ‘kinda’ looks three dimensional.

So I headed out today to find something to shoot and found some interesting flowers and foliage that might work.  While out I also took the photograph below.  I actually shot this building back on January 19th (when it was covered in snow), but all the white stuff’s gone now and I thought the building from the other end looked nice, especially with the bushes below.  The down side of today was it was quite overcast, so the sky wasn’t that interesting.

Anyway, when I got home I had a bit of a Halo frenzy and took nine different images for my Halo postings.  By the time I finished taking the pictures and processing the shots, it was too late to fully process my attempt at focus harvesting so I decided to post the community center below.

Look out for the focus attempt in the next few days.  Mind you if it sucks I will never post it! 😉

With Valentines Day approaching, the Halo troops decided some tactical training was required.  No idea why, just thought it was funny.

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