07. January 2012 · Comments Off on Flower Reflection – Home · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: ,

As today is Saturday I decided to do something different.

I went out to QFC and brought some flowers.  Got home and put them on top of a clean piece of perspex and put a black reflector behind the flowers.  Set up a couple of lights (one soft box and one grid) and took a load of images.

This one came out well, the flower reflection looks really nice and colors were great.

I had this idea of a shot where one of the Halo guys is looking cool while a girl walks past.  But I didn’t have a girl for them to pose for!  Abi to the rescue, she provided the little dole and the picture was made.  It was only after the fact that Abi pointed out that the doles pants are falling down!  Clearly she is from a rough part of town 🙁

How you doin'

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