01. March 2012 · Comments Off on Lisa with iPad – Home · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

Tonight is the last of the family portraits (for the time being anyway).  Lisa actually allowed me to take her picture.  This doesn’t happen very often so I should really enjoy the moment.  As with James and Abi the goal was to capture Lisa doing what she does every night, and I think I nailed it!  Lisa didn’t want an iPad when they came out, but I convinced her to try one and once she did she wouldn’t put it down.  Now she lies of the sofa and plays “games” on her iPad – for hours!  She pretends to be watching TV but really she’s playing her games, I even have to tell her when to look up when something interesting happens.

I wanted to do a black and white again, but Lisa insisted that I leave her bow on her slippers pink.  No idea why you will have to ask her.

Big game of tug-a-war tonight, three Master Chief’s against smaller weaker halo characters.  Guess who won?

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