14. March 2012 · Comments Off on Marymoor Park Coffee Hut – Redmond · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

I was driving home this evening wondering wheat I should photograph, when I looked out over Marymoor Park from the 520 freeway and saw this small hut.  When I saw it I immediately thought black and white, as it was raining quite heavily and everything was gray and drab.

At the end of the day to make an interesting picture you need something to draw the eye, color, texture, contrast or brightness, you need something.  Anyway I saw the hut and thought as a black and white the grayness of the scene would be lost and the sky, trees and wet ground might make a nice image with the hut as the principal subject.

So I drove to the end of the freeway and then doubled back through Redmond to the park.  I found the hut really quickly and found that it’s actually a coffee shop / store room / rest room.  I got the camera out but it started to rain (quite heavily).   So I ran over to the side of the road, put up the tripod and took the picture.  I then ran back to the car (those who know me know I very rarely run anywhere) and headed home.

When I got in I looked at the picture and I have to say it turned out pretty well.

I think Carter and Master Chief watched an old Buster Keaton film or something today, because this evening I found them playing with a train set.

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