17. March 2012 · Comments Off on Lake Washington Waterfront – Kirkland · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

James and I had to go to Kirkland today to buy some shelving, and when we walked out of the store the sun came out.  We immediately (after quickly popping into Taco Bell for an excellent Crunch Wrap Supreme) headed down to the waterfront to see if we could get a nice picture for the day.

The sun wasn’t really going down yet but it was right in front of us above the water and there was blue sky above (that’s two days in a row).  There was a little girl playing on the rocks, picture right, so James and I enjoyed the sun until she buggered off.  Then I took the shot below.  Walking back to the car I took several other shots of the sky – I know this sounds lame but when you live in the Pacific North West and you have gray skies for so long, you tend to get a bit emotional when you see blue above you.  Anyway, it will probably be gone tomorrow and I wanted some other pictures to remind me of what it looked like.

A year ago nobody would go out with me if I wanted to take any pictures, apparently I was phenomenally slow and amazingly boring (James’ and Lisa’s words not mine), but since I’ve been doing this “picture a day” thing, I’ve learnt to shoot miles faster.  No longer do I look confusingly at the camera wondering what aperture value or shutter speed I should select, it’s finally become second nature and I can see what I want and get the shot really quickly.  So why mention all this?  Well, firstly James was impressed with me today as I was so fast, but all these learnings mean nothing when you have some snotty kid jumping on the rocks in front of you.  I’m just saying…

Happy St. Patricks Day – ‘nough said.

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