18. March 2012 · Comments Off on First Flower of Spring – Home · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

Last night we all went out for dinner (we have an excellent Thai restaurant called Silver Spoon near by) and when we got home we noticed that outside the house one of the bushes had a single pink flower.

Now this is not something we normally get excited about but we figured that this was possibly a sign that Spring is almost here.

So I could share the joy, I thought I’d photograph our single flower for your pleasure.  It’s not particularly exciting, and as you can see it was raining earlier, but hopefully it means that color is returning to the Pacific North West (we are getting a little bored of green, brown and gray).

Incidentally I have a good feeling about this week.  I think I should get my new D4.  If it doesn’t arrive, expect pathetic complaining and tragic depression.

After a relaxing day off and a few green beers, our Halo heroes get back to their circus training.  Tonight it’s acrobatics.

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