22. March 2012 · Comments Off on Night Bridge – Redmond · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

Tonight I went out to the movies (went to see 21 Jump Street – very funny go and see it if you get the chance), so I didn’t get to take my picture of the day until quite late.

I left the movie theater and walked back to the car thinking about what I was going to shoot.  I remembered that when you come of the 520 freeway to enter Redmond, you cross a cool bridge with street lamps along both sides.  So I drove down to the bridge to take some pictures.

At first I shot some images on the main road and while the pictures came out ok (I had some nice head light and tail light lines) they were a little boring.  However by the side of the road bridge was this small foot bridge that also crossed the river.   Photographing this created, I think, a much nicer image.  I shot this with a high aperture so the street lights had a great starburst.

The street lights cast some strong orange light and created some cool shadows through the foot bridge.

Carter and Master Chief also went to the movies with me.  I brought a beer and popped to the bathroom, when I got back I found them both trying to down my pint!

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