10. January 2012 · Comments Off on Lake Washington – Kirkland · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

This evening I went back to Kirkland as the sun was setting and took the following shot of Lake Washington. Way over in the distance (on the horizon) you can just make out Seattle). It was a little windy so the water was moving about quite a lot and took on a misty sheen in the image. I got some nice red sunset images that I might upload later in the year.

I was using a pretty wide angle lens for this (10mm) and I actually got my foot in the shot at the bottom in the middle.  Thankfully content aware fill in Photoshop saved the day.

I was trying to figure out what I should do with the Halo dudes and asked myself this question: “If I was their size, what would I want to do?” This picture was the result.


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