06. April 2012 · Comments Off on Carillon Point – Kirkland · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , , ,

Today was a very odd day.  I actually took the day off work to spend it with the family and we planned on going to the Seattle Aquarium.  We finally got James out of bed at 11am and headed off to Seattle.  It was a lovely day and we arrived in the city without issue, then we tried to park.  It appears that everybody in the Pacific Northwest decided to also drive to town and we spent over an hour trying to park.

Eventually, after much frustration we decided to just give up.  There were road works everywhere and just getting from street to street was a real pain.  So while stationary at some stop lights we talked about somewhere else to go.  As we have never been to Gas Works Park before, we thought we’d go there.  So Lisa punched that into her sat-nav and off we went.  We got to the I5 and headed north and drove right past the exit we needed.  What made things worse was that the traffic on the other side of the freeway wasn’t moving and we had to drive a few miles before we got the chance to turn around!

By now James had decided he was hungry and wanted to go to Taco Bell.  So we pulled off the freeway and started looking for some food.  Eventually we found the restaurant and went in for some lunch where I took a picture of a taco which I very nearly posted tonight!  Of course by this stage we were hysterically laughing, this was turning into a terrible day off!

On the way home I was worried about what I was going to post so Lisa suggested Carillon Point in Kirkland.  It was on our way home so off we went.

It was still really sunny and there was a great blue sky and the clouds looked fantastic.  So when we got there I made sure I captured lots of sky in all my shots.  I actually took loads of pictures and decided to post this one tonight.

This image shows the pier that wraps around the harbor.  The water was really calm and the sky looked great.  In all a nice shot.

Today Carter unboxed his new Nokia Lumia 900, he said he loves it and it’s much better than the cups and string he was playing with the other day.

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