13. April 2012 · Comments Off on Carillon Boat – Kirkland · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , , ,

So last week Lisa, James, Abi and I went to Carillon Point to see what we could photograph.  It was (as you can see in the picture) a lovely day and many of the boats that are normally moored at the harbor where out on Lake Washington.

Right on the water front at Carillon is the Woodmark Hotel.  This is a really nice place to stay and there is a great story about a film I made at this hotel for a team morale event.  But I’ll have to save that for my memoirs (I’d get in trouble at work if I spilled the beans now), but the hotel is really nice.  So nice in fact that they have their own boat that you can use to ferry you across Lake Washington from Kirkland to Seattle.

As luck would have it we happened to see the boat coming back into dock and the boat is really cool.  It’s covered in polished wood and I checked out what the guy who was driving it was doing after he moored up (do you drive a boat? I don’t know).  He was polishing and cleaning the cabin! Very sad.

Anyway I liked this shot of the boat coming in and thought I’d post it as my picture of the day.

Here you can see how Carter and Master Chief have to rough it when it comes to lunch rations at Microsoft!

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