16. April 2012 · Comments Off on Picnic Shelter – Rosario Beach · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , , ,

When I was in Rosario Beach I walked past this picnic shelter.  The tour guide suggested taking a shot through the window turning the window into a frame for the beach outside.  I actually tried this but wasn’t overly pleased with the end result.  But before I left I thought I’d try one last picture.

The building was made up of large wooden logs and there was a rustic slightly weathered look to the interior.  There was a lot of sunlight streaming in the the window and a stone floor and fireplace.  I figured it would make a good HDR image as it was really dark in the roof and corners and very light by the windows.

So I placed my camera on it’s tripod and took the shot below 5 times and used Photomatix to create the end result.  The completed image captured the wood grain and color really well.  Fortunately everyone else had just left the building so I didn’t have to remove anyone in post processing.

The Halo guys found some sand and a digger and decided to try some construction.

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