03. May 2012 · Comments Off on Pike Place Market – Seattle · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: ,

You really can’t go to Pike Place Market without taking a picture of the famous market sign.  Most people take a shot facing Rachel the pig with the sign above them.  And in truth I took one of those pictures too and it looks great (you’ll probably see that later in the year) but I wanted to do something different for my first “Pike Place posting”.

So today’s image is a shot of Pike Place Market (and the sign) from the left hand side (next to the magazine and paper shop).  I liked the road going down to under the market and the fact that the cover on the right over the sidewalk leads the eye directly to the sign.  I think it would have been nicer if the car and the “dude” wasn’t there but you can’t have everything.

Of course having a blue sky helped this image but I think capturing the market from a different perspective hopefully catches the attention.  It was funny though that while there I tried several different angles.  One was from the floor outside a fruit and vegetable store.  I was lying on the floor (honestly) trying to compose the shot when someone knocked over a bucket with flowers in the store and the water started to run towards me.  There were loads of people shouting “Look out, you’re gonna get wet”.  Watching me rush to get up with camera bags and gear… I must have looked a right wally!

Carter found some moisturizer in the office and decided to make Master Chief’s body nice and soft!  I have no idea how he convinced Master Chief to let him do this.

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