06. May 2012 · Comments Off on Super Moon – Redmond · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

Now I can tell you here a load of “stuff” about the Super Moon – trust me I looked it up.  But you probably won’t understand it (I know I didn’t) and of course it’s crashingly boring.  All you really need to know is that last night we had one and it’s really big.

Anyway I was sitting in the bonus room last night watching TV when Lisa came running in and said “wow the moon is big – you should take a picture”.  By now of course I had already posted my picture of the day, but I thought what the heck, how long can it take to photograph the moon?  So we paused our program and I went outside with the camera and tripod.

Well apparently, if you have never photographed the moon before it actually takes quite a long time.  The problem is that the moon is very bright (in the black sky) so the camera exposes for the moon and everything else is black.  Actually even the moon itself is blown out so all you see is a big white ball in a totally black sky.  Which is actually pretty crap!  So you have to under expose for the moon, but then you can’t see any clouds.

So you end up standing outside for around 40 minutes figuring out that the only way to get the picture I’m posting tonight is to HDR it (or really double expose it).  Basically you take two pictures, one of the clouds, and one of the moon and then you blend the two together.  And this is the result.

All I can say is thank goodness for Tivo, I didn’t miss a thing.

Greek mythology states that Atlas a Titan supported the heavens on his back.  This is Carters attempt – with a moon.  He looks good don’t you think?

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