07. May 2012 · Comments Off on Pike Place Lanterns – Seattle · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

Those of you who have visited Pike Place Market, know about the stores downstairs.  I’ve mentioned this in previous posts, but basically it’s an eclectic collection of stores that pretty much sell everything from clothes, to old records, to rock & roll memorabilia.

One store that caught my eye when I was there last, was this cool lantern shop.  They had a number of lights hanging from the ceiling that were all shapes, colors and sizes.  I don’t like just walking into a store and taking pictures (I might ask for permission but if the store has people in it I’m not going to bother), but outside is kind-a fair game.  Just outside this store was a number of hanging lanterns, so I grabbed a shot.

Rather than shoot the store as it looks I turned the camera a little to emphasis the lights and force the eye to work out what’s going on, hopefully creating a more interesting composition. Also I selected a big aperture that gave me a shallow depth of field so the first lantern is sharp in focus and the focus falls off as you look down the line of lights, again helping the look of the shot.

Cool shop, great lights and hopefully a nice image.

I like Sudoku (what can I say I’m getting old), so Lisa got me this daily Sudoku desk calendar for Christmas.  Well today Carter found it and starting solving puzzles.

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