10. May 2012 · Comments Off on Pike Place Market – Seattle · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

You really can’t post a series of pictures of Pike Place Market without posting one of the actual market.  So that’s tonight’s image.  This was taken from the north entrance and as you can see it’s super busy.  Actually it’s not because this was early on a week day, if you go to the market at the weekend you can see about 4 floor tiles in and then it’s just a mass of people.

As you can see on the left of the market you find all the fresh flowers and fruit, and on the right the preservatives and crafts.  As you walk through the market the people behind the counters offer you samples so you can walk your way through and get a pretty decent meal – for free.

The market has a load of neon signs and lights and looks great and this came across a little in the picture.   You’ll be pleased to hear that I only have one more Pike Place image to post, so I had better get out of the house over the weekend to take some more pictures.  I can hear the farmer’s markets calling me – they all start this weekend.  (I wonder if I could do a year of market pictures?)

Carter and Master Chief decided to draw on my whiteboard today, and who am I to say no!

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