20. May 2012 · Comments Off on Cascade Train – Stevens Pass · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

I posted a bit of an opus last night and still have typist cramp, so tonight’s posting is much shorter – to balance out.  If you read last nights blog posting you will have noted that a large train was parked up when Chris and I walked back to the car.  Well, this is that train.

It’s engine was running when we drove up, and it was still running when we got back from the waterfall – about a hour later.  I don’t know why they stopped there, but was glad they did because if they were 20 feet further forward we would probably still be there now, as they would have blocked our exit over the tracks, also I wouldn’t have got this picture.

I liked the orange and yellow colors against the green background, kind of looked cool there and I was pleased with the picture when I got home.  I chose a relatively big aperture and was pretty close as I wanted the end of the train to fall out of focus and got exactly what I wanted.

There, told you tonight would be shorter.

Imagine my excitement this week when I heard that Adorama had finally shipped my purchase!  Unfortunately though it wasn’t my D4, it was a D4 battery 🙁   However the Halo dudes were still excited and decided to do an un-boxing video.  Not that exciting I know, but they try.

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