17. January 2012 · Comments Off on Yellow Gerbera – Home · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: ,

I guess everyone has their favorite flower, for me it’s the Gerbera. I’ve taken quite a few pictures of these flowers in the past, I even have a shot of a pink one blown up on canvas in my family room over the file.

I love the symmetrical nature of the flower and the over abundance of petals make it, I think the perfect flower subject.

For this image I wanted to change the lighting, so I shot this is a small softbox, making sure there were plenty of shadows behind the petals. The composition of the flower is deliberate, it’s considered “uninteresting” to place a subject in the center of the screen so this flower centers around phi supporting the golden ratio – basically just off center – (I won’t bore you with composition science, I save that for Lisa 🙂

Back out into the snow, this time to make a snowman.


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