01. June 2012 · Comments Off on Night Market – Seattle · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , , ,

After my night shots in Bellevue, I thought I should do some more night neon pictures, so this evening I drove to Seattle to see what I could get.  I started off in Pike Place Market and took this picture overlooking Elliott Bay.

The market was pretty deserted so I was able to park up right in the market and walk around with the tripod and get some nice shots.  I chose this one as the first to post as I liked the contrast of the blue sky and the pinky-red neon.  Also the ferry in the distance came out really well, add to that the cool little fish in the corner and I had a nice image.

I tried to get a shot actually in the Market as well as it was empty and I figured how often can you take a picture in there with no people, but a security guard told me I wasn’t allowed!  I have no idea why, all I wanted to do was take a picture but he was quite big and a little scary looking so I just moved on.

Tomorrow I’m going to another car show (I like cars) so I may post something from that tomorrow.

Master Chief did some yard work today and needed some help cleaning up.  Carter helped.

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