02. June 2012 · Comments Off on Chevy Bel Air – Duvall · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: ,

Today we drove over to Duvall to go to the “Duvall Day” event.  I have to say I was totally underwhelmed.  They closed off all the roads into town so we had to park up outside of town and then walk in.  So we parked the car, and Lisa, Abi and myself started walking.  We reached a police road block as the cop was opening the road, so we ran (OK walked quickly) back to the car and drove instead.  And I’m glad we did as we were a good couple of miles from the center of town.  When we got there it was clearly over and there wasn’t much to see.  So we started for home.

On the way home we popped into Safeway’s and found the “Big Rock Classic Car Show”.  Lisa found us a parking place (no mean feat as there were loads of cars circling) and we went to look at the cars.  This really made the trip, there were some beautiful old cars there and I got lots of pictures.  The one captured below is a favorite of mine, it’s a 1957 Chevy Bel Air.  They really don’t make cars like this any more, it has a huge bench front seat and enormous rear fins on the wings.  The car is really very large (in size) and when you look under the hood it has a tiny engine, but I love it.  I don’t think you buy one of these to go fast, you get one to drive on a sunny day and cruise around town.

They had a blue one there too and you could buy a raffle ticket and win it, so I’ll let you know how I do – in fact if I win it you will probably hear me screaming for joy.

There is a great show on TV from the UK called Wheeler Dealers where two guys (Mike Brewer and Ed China) buy and refurbish old classic cars and sell them on for a profit.  In one of the shows they came to the US and brought a Chevy Bel Air and took it back to the UK.  They did an amazing job and sold a beautiful model for £16,000 making around two grand profit.  That’s around $24,000!  This is an amazing price, here a mint Bel Air can cost you as much as $80,000 – so if I don’t win one I’m not getting one.  Better keep my fingers crossed.

Apparently Master Chief misunderstood when Carter asked him if he wanted some orange.

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