It’s been a while since I posted any tulip pictures and quite frankly I still have hundreds left so tonight’s image is of some white tulips and was shot at Mount Vernon during the tulip festival. This was one of those shots where I got out my black bin bag, laid it in the mud and got down on the floor. Passers by looked at me like I was nuts but I’m used to that now.
I wanted a shot of a tulip row disappearing off into the distance with a nice sky above. This is what I got. The dark pink tulips behind added to the image by making the white ones stand out a little.
Fortunately this was one of the few times when nobody was in my way stomping around the field, so absolutely no Photoshop here.
I haven’t posted any black and white for a while so tomorrow I’ll look for something to shoot that will make a good black and white image. I also need to shoot more people so I’ll look for some subjects there too.
Carter found a can of crazy string and went a little mad today – poor Master Chief!