08. June 2012 · Comments Off on Bears – Redmond · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: ,

In the middle of Redmond Town Center is this seating area that surrounds a couple of fountains.   On the brick tiled flooring are three bear statues.  I took this picture quite late at night and nobody was around (no security guards either).  I wanted to bring out the texture in the brick floor and statues so this is an HDR image (what a surprise).

Obviously as this is late at night it’s a slow exposure, so you get to see the water almost frozen in time.  When I composed this I wanted the bears to be the primary subject, so I made them quite big in the frame.  In hindsight I wish I’d pulled back a little and showed more of the seating area.  As a result I didn’t post this image.  However someone saw this the other day and commented on the picture so I thought, what the heck!

This area always makes me smile.  My son James is almost 15 years old but I remember him running through these fountains getting soaking wet with his cousins, and then stripping off totally naked in the car park to change clothing.  Of course he wouldn’t be seen dead doing that now.  I reckon in another 5 years and after some time at college and he will once again be stripping off and running though fountains.

This weekend will be interesting.  On Sunday I’m off to Northwest Trek, which is a wildlife park for animals that are indigenous to the Pacific North West.   However it’s looking like it’s going to rain so I may end up with lots of pictures of empty wood.  Time will tell, so keep your fingers crossed for a dry weekend.

Tonight the guys decided to play BopIt! – They didn’t do too well though.

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