14. June 2012 · Comments Off on Old “New” Ford – Duvall · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

I guess there’s two approaches to car refurbishing.  There is the “make it like it rolled off the production line” version, you know what I mean, refurbish the car back to it’s original state, and then there’s the Custom Car version, when you supe up a car, drop the suspension chrome it up and add a massive engine and add a super cool paint job.

I have to say that I actually prefer the first type, I love the idea of an old 1950’s car looking brand new, exactly like it did when the first owner drove it off the sales lot.  I can appreciate those custom cars, even admire them, but I don’t think I’d want to own one myself.  Clearly I’m getting old, but that’s what I like.

Now having said all this, Lisa and I saw some refurbished cars that fell into both camps at the Big Rock Classic Car Show in Duvall.  Of course as you’d expect I was all over the 1950 Chevy’s and Oldsmobile, but Lisa found this Ford.

This car, even I have to say, was pretty amazing.  It was a 1940s Ford (I have no idea what model) that had been heavily customized.  The interior was completely carpeted, the seats looked totally luxurious and the dials and dash (pinocle) was modern and super cool.  The engine was surprisingly boring as it was predominantly the same color as the car.  I think the car had like 800 miles on the clock so was really a new, “old” Ford.

What caught Lisa’s eye however was the paint job.  I know in this picture it looks flat gold, but it’s actually covered in tiny specks of color.  It was truly amazing and when I get my beautiful 1950’s Chevy Bel Air (in my dreams), I’m having this paint job.

I think Carter was bored tonight, I found him “note tabbing” Master Chief up!

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