18. June 2012 · Comments Off on Truck – Snoqualmie · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

Here is a great example of the madness you experience when you try to post a picture a day.  I was driving through Snoqualmie and this truck caught my eye.  I don’t really know why, it’s not that attractive, that new or old, but it had something.  There was something about this scene that made me think, there’s a picture.

So I found a place to u-turn and went back to take the shot.  I parked up, jumped out and grabbed the camera and tripod – remember I always have them with me, and got the shot.

When I got home I did what I do every night, I sat down and went through any new pictures I’ve taken that day and post process them (just a bit) to see if they are promising and if so drop them in a “processing folder” on my hard drive.  Then I go through my “processing folder” looking for pictures to put up here. (One day I’ll write up my workflow of what I do – it won’t be that interesting to everyone, but I have to write something every day so you’ll have to give me a break).

The funny thing is, just because I think an image has promise when I take it, two weeks later I frequently feel differently, to the point where some I just don’t like!  This image has been sitting in the processing folder for a while now.  Not because I don’t like it, I just didn’t know why I did.  Well tonight I saw it again and thought, OK, let’s finish off the processing and see what it looks like.  That and Lisa walked past and said Ooo I like that.  I asked her why, and she didn’t know either!

Anyway, I tightened it up in Photoshop and here it is.  If you like it and can say why let me know, maybe Lisa and I like it for the same reason.

Carter lost Red and Master Chief, then found them playing in Lisa’s Jewelry Tree.  I’m not sure he approved!

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