19. June 2012 · Comments Off on Market Neon – Seattle · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , , ,

I know what you’re thinking, how many nighttime neon shots can you take?  Well the answer is quite a lot.  Ironically tonight’s image is the subject that gave me the original idea that started this off.  I remember driving past Pike Place Market one night on my way home with James, and seeing the sign lit up.  It was one of those “oh I’ll come back and get that another time” moments.

Well several weeks later (and after one failed attempt when I drove to Seattle and the sign was not turned on) I finally got the shot.  The market was empty and the sun had set.  There were actually a few people standing below the sign taking the same picture but I’m sure mine is best (joke).

I was lucky as I managed to find a parking place actually in the market, so it was literally drive up, grab the shot and go home.

One of the challenges I have is that I don’t go to that many new places – I do work for a living you know.  When I do go somewhere I take loads of shots of the same thing, and then find myself with a dilemma.  Do I post all my night time shots of Pike Place or not?  If I was posting less frequently I would be much more selective but I really don’t have that luxury.  I posted a similar nighttime shot of Pike Place back on June 1st, but that was a different sign so I’m letting this one go up too.

On a positive note, my new camera (Nikon D4) will be here in two days time and I know I’ll be out and about with that and am bound to get some exciting new images.  Arguably not because the camera is better, but just because I’m excited to go out and play with a new toy.  There is a whole back story to the camera, which I will post when it arrives, so look out for that.

The guys were feeling musical tonight, so made themselves an instrument and gave us a song.  It was terrible!

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