22. June 2012 · Comments Off on Baby Bison – Northwest Trek · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

The whole arrival of the new camera made me completely forget I still have some Northwest Trek pictures to post.  Add to that the fact that it’s been raining all day and I didn’t want to get wet!  So tonight’s image is a baby bison.

While on the tram tour we passed a herd of bison.  We actually went past them twice, the first time they were all lying down in the long grass and all my pictures brilliant depicted long stalks of grass with little black ears sticking out of the top!  Fortunately the second time we went past the bison they were up and about, in fact they were up and about in the middle of the road and the tram had to wait for them to get bored and walk off before we could go past.

The herd was pretty big, it must have had around 30 bison, and there where half a dozen babies.  While we were waiting for the bison to move off the road, one of the babies was drinking milk from it’s mother, it would have made a great shot but I would have had to shoot through the trams windscreen.  As the bison walked into the grass we slowly drove past.  I got the chance to grab this shot of a baby standing by a tree stump.  It’s mum was just in front and out of shot.

I was clearly over excited when I took the shot as I didn’t get the feet in frame.  But other bison kept walking between me and the baby so I guess I should be pleased I got this.  Actually forget other bison getting in the way, it was a bit of a fight to get a good shot in the tram as there were 14 other photographers trying to do the same thing.

The other reason I posted this tonight was that Abi said this was a really cute shot and she knows cute!

Carter discovered the joys of frozen cocktails – apparently they are really nice and today he stocked up.

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