03. July 2012 · Comments Off on Meerkat – Woodland Park Zoo · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

One of my favorite animals that we saw at the zoo, has to be the meerkat.  These incredibly cute (Abi’s words) big rats (my words) live in gangs or mobs of around 20 and are actually members of the mongoose family (informative eh?)  At the zoo they had an enclosure that was indoors that had an underground tunnel system for them to play in and an incredibly realistic mural, depicting their native South Africa.

They were clearly fooled by the surroundings as they seemed to be pretty happy, and based on the size of the one in the image below, relatively well fed!

It was quite funny standing there looking at them, as they were all lined up just staring back.  I’m not sure who was viewing who.  They were also standing pretty still, obviously they heard I was coming and they were all posing for portrait shots.  These little guys do look very cute, but Lisa and I decided that if you did try to cuddle one, he would probably relieve you of a finger.

Carter and Master Chief saw Abi and I relaxing in the hot tub the other day but it’s a little big for them so they made their own – in the bird bath.

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