05. July 2012 · Comments Off on Blackbird’s Bottom – Museum of Flight · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: ,

Back on February 17th I posted a picture of the SR-71 Blackbird spy plane that was taken at the Museum of Flight in Seattle.  Here is a link to the posting SR-71 Blackbird.  The image I shot was the typical kind of picture you’d expect.  Taken from the front, just above the plane so you saw it in all its glory.

However while there, I saw another opportunity for an interesting picture. This time from the other end and underneath.  I stood behind the plane, got the tripod and shot the image below, of the planes underbelly.  There was a lot of orange light highlighting the plane and I hoped it would create a nice image.

When I composed the image there were a lot of people walking about and I really didn’t want any of them in the image.  So I decided to take lots of pictures and then splice them together in Photoshop using parts of images with no people and in them and then produce a clean people free photograph.

The end result came out (I think) really well.  The plane looks super cool and there are no people in shot.  The lights under the plane came our really well too and lit up the plane to create a great image.

Today the guys got hold of some sprinkled cookies.


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