09. July 2012 · Comments Off on Crescent Moon Sunset – Seattle · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , , ,

I was in Seattle the other day down by the water front, like you do, and the sun was setting, like it does, and it kind-a looked really cool.  So I thought I’d take a picture, and the pictures looked, well just OK.  I think what grabbed my attention for a picture was the sunset and the moon high above, but in all my pictures I didn’t really get the right shot, principally because I was shooting in landscape, not portrait.  So I turned the camera on its side and captured the shot below.

Now there are advantages and disadvantages of shooting in portrait orientation.  I think the image I wanted (and got) worked really well in this format.  I really like the layers in the image; you have the calm water at the bottom, then that beautiful sunset with fluffy clouds, then above that some darker mottled clouds and finally some clear sky with the waxing crescent moon (I had to look that up).  The layers for me really make this image.

Unfortunately I don’t think portrait images work that well on the blog site (hence I don’t post them very often), but on a positive side, I now have a new phone lock screen image.

Yesterday Master Chief got to meet Carters horse, not to be out done, he got his ride out today.

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