22. July 2012 · Comments Off on Old Ford – Maui · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

The other day we visited Maui’s Tropical Plantation, it is a working plantation in the middle of the island.  The reason for the trip was that the family wanted to go ziplining and this was the location for Maui Ziplines who let you zip across the plantation.

Lisa, James and Abi are not really that comfortable with heights so it was a big thing for them to do this.  But they all went for it and had a blast.  There were 5 lines they had to go down, each one taking you across different crops in the plantation and I got loads of shots of them in the air flying high.

The plantation also offers tours where you can take a tram around the 60 acre plantation and see all sorts of local crops grow.  So what do they grow?  Well pretty much everything you can imagine that you would want in Hawaii.  They have sugarcane, coconut, vanda orchids, star fruit, coffee, avocado, macadamia nuts, and the list goes on and on.

As we walked into the plantation we saw this cool old Ford car.  I don’t think they used it and to be honest the paintwork wasn’t that great, it had clearly been sitting outside for a long time.

But I thought it looked cool with the palm trees behind it and the plantation in the distance.  I had to take loads of shots of this and I almost gave up.  Every time I composed a picture someone would walk into frame.  Lisa and the kids thought it was hysterical.  In the end I finally got this shot on the way out when we left, the only down side was that the sun had moved to a position in the sky where it caught the car’s hood so it was totally blown out.

That aside I was pleased with the image so it’s my posting tonight.

Tonight the guys got out their surf boards and hit the beach.

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