25. April 2012 · Comments Off on Harbor – Carillon Point · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , , ,

As promised I don’t want to post tulip pictures every night (even through I have enough for the rest of the year), so tonight I’m having a break and posting this image of the harbor at Carillon Point.  Today has been a rainy day and pretty grey outside, so this image reminded me of the sun we had last week and what’s to come.

Lisa, James, Abi and I drove to Carillon to see if we could get any nice pictures and we did well.  The white puffy clouds against the blue sky looked great and there were not too many boats in the harbor.  You can’t see it but Seattle is on the other side of the lake.

I’m waiting for a clear night as I want to go back and see if those street lamps light up and look any good when it gets dark.  I think a similar shot at night, maybe even with moonlight would look very cool.

However, enjoy this break as tomorrow it’s back to tulips.

Carter and Master Chief got scared by something at work today and I found them running away.

20. April 2012 · Comments Off on Snoqualmie River – Fall City · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , , ,

Tonight I thought I’d post this image of the Snoqualmie River in Fall City.  I was there as the sun was starting to go down and was fortunate to pick up some red sky.  While the river was high, it wasn’t that high which is surprising when you consider the rain we’ve had.  But then at this time of year rain’s to be expected.

This shot was taken early evening and there were loads of cars on the road to my left.  I’ve become completely immune to the stares I get when I get the camera out, but I still find it funny that people get so interested in someone with a camera.  I think passersby are terrified they’re missing something, hence the usual “what are you doing?” question.

It you look at the river bank you can see some tulips and daffodils.  I tried to photograph them too but almost slid down the bank into the river.  I take a ground mat with me in the car these days so I can lie on the floor and not get too dirty.  I placed it on the bank the got on the mat and started to slide!  Not a great idea.

I think the image came out really well, it’s a pretty city and the river bank park is very quaint.

Carter and Master Chief went exploring at work and found the Stationary Room.  Apparently when you’re very small bulldog clips and elastic bands can give you hours of fun!

17. April 2012 · Comments Off on Rainbow Bridge – La Conner · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , , ,

Today’s image was taken in La Conner which sits on the Swinomish Channel.  This large channel separates the Swinomish Indian Reservation from the Skagit Valley mainland.  There are only two bridges that cross the channel, the picture below shows one of them, this is called locally the Rainbow Bridge.

The Channel is pretty wide and while I was taking this picture seals kept popping up to the surface.  Obviously the moment I tried to take a picture they would dive under – question is how do they know I’m trying to photograph them?

The city of La Conner is not very big, it has less than 1000 residents and based on the number of restaurants and gift type shops I would guess one of their main industries in tourism.  While there I had an excellent pint in a local pub with a really nice pizza to go with it.

Something else I thought I’d mention in this posting is that just over nine years ago I moved to the US from England.  To keep my family and friends back in the UK up to date with our activities I created a web site.  On that web site I placed a visitor counter.  Nine years later I have 6,599 visits.  Now by contrast I set up this site back in January (3 1/2 months ago) and I now have 6,672 visits!  Clearly my family site sucks!  So I’ll be shutting that down soon (mind you posting every day definitely helps, the last time I updated the family site was in April 2010).

The Halo guys went to play in the neighborhood park today and found a climbing wall.  Not being guys who turn down a challenge, they went for it.

14. April 2012 · Comments Off on Tide Pools – Rosario Beach · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

While visiting Rosario Beach last week I actually went down to the water’s edge to take a picture.  Now this looks like the sea but really it’s Puget Sound, the sea is a bit further out.  But it still looked good.

The thing I liked, that caught my attention were the tide pools.  When I was a kid, my family and I would spend our summer holidays at the beach in the West Country of England in a county called Cornwall.  We went back to the same small village a few times, the place was called Bude.  My mother was evacuated there during the war as London wasn’t safe, so when she had a family she would drag us all there for our summer holidays.

While Bude was a very quaint village, the weather wasn’t always great and I remember many a year sitting on the beach under and umbrella in the rain as my dad said “We’ve come to the beach so we are going to spend the day here” (or something like that).  At the time I was miserable but I do look back with fond memories.  So what’s this got to do with tide pools?

Well one of the main reasons we went back, was that the coast line of Cornwall looked very much like this picture below.  My Mum loved these pools of water and we would lose her for hours when she would go looking for tiny crabs and fish with a little net.  In fact I remember all we could see of her was her bent over with her arse in the air!  Very funny.

Anyway I thought the image below looked really nice and it did remind me of those cold summer vacations as a kid.  Hope you like it too.

We had our first bbq of the year today and the Halo guys offered to help out.  However, height is not their strong point and they didn’t do too well.

13. April 2012 · Comments Off on Carillon Boat – Kirkland · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , , ,

So last week Lisa, James, Abi and I went to Carillon Point to see what we could photograph.  It was (as you can see in the picture) a lovely day and many of the boats that are normally moored at the harbor where out on Lake Washington.

Right on the water front at Carillon is the Woodmark Hotel.  This is a really nice place to stay and there is a great story about a film I made at this hotel for a team morale event.  But I’ll have to save that for my memoirs (I’d get in trouble at work if I spilled the beans now), but the hotel is really nice.  So nice in fact that they have their own boat that you can use to ferry you across Lake Washington from Kirkland to Seattle.

As luck would have it we happened to see the boat coming back into dock and the boat is really cool.  It’s covered in polished wood and I checked out what the guy who was driving it was doing after he moored up (do you drive a boat? I don’t know).  He was polishing and cleaning the cabin! Very sad.

Anyway I liked this shot of the boat coming in and thought I’d post it as my picture of the day.

Here you can see how Carter and Master Chief have to rough it when it comes to lunch rations at Microsoft!