The other day Lisa asked me if there was somewhere I’d like to go while in Maui.  I told her I’d like to photograph a Hawaiian waterfall and she hit the web and started her research.

In the end she found a place on the northern part of the island called Iao Valley State Park.

Now some of the best-known waterfalls in Maui are in the Hana region of the island.  This is where some of the waterfalls were shot for the film Jurassic Park.  However this is a pretty inaccessible part of the island and the best waterfalls can only be reached from the air.  So we hit the road to go to Iao Valley.

A couple of years ago we visited Kauai.  This was a really beautiful island but we found every day it rained for an hour or so.  Maui is a little different; you really don’t see any rain on the coast at all. However if you head inland and drive towards the mountains you hit what are in essence tropical rain forests and can get very wet.

Flowing through the valley is the Iao “stream” – at least that’s what it’s called.  But you say stream to me and I envision something you can jump across, but this stream is a pretty wide river with a lot of water.  While there we didn’t find any big waterfall drops, but instead came across a number of small drops.

What made it “interesting” was that in the middle of the river were a number of young women who were swimming in tiny bikini’s.  Now I have nothing against pretty bikini clad women but not if I’m trying to take a landscape shot.  I pointed the camera in their direction once just looking for some thing else to shoot (honest) and the looks I got would kill a cat!

In the end I took a number of shots of different parts of the river.  Tonight’s posting was taken by the entrance to the park, in the future I’ll post some other shots.

I liked this one because of the large rocks in the foreground, the very green foliage in the center and the large peaks in the background, one of which (the one of the left) is the Ioa Needle which is a 1200 foot lava remnant covered in vegetation.

As you can see the sky was pretty gray – but it was still 82 degrees – so standing in the river to get some pictures was actually a lot of fun.

Yesterday Master Chief buried Carter when he fell asleep on the beach – big mistake, today was payback time.

23. July 2012 · Comments Off on Grand Wailea Church – Maui · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , , ,

If you should happen to find yourself in Maui and staying at the Grand Wailea Resort and decide to either renew your wedding vows or even get married, well, the hotel has just the facility you need.  This small church is in the hotel grounds and is available for weddings and vows and I would imagine it’s a pretty busy place.

The church is nicely lit up with stained glass windows providing color inside so I thought I’d grab a shot for the site.  The large number of lamps that light the way to the from the church and the abundance of tiki torches add to the evening ambiance.

While staying at the hotel I’ve seen quite a few weddings, some people have large receptions at the hotel and there are loads of people who opt for a beach wedding instead of the church (it’s probably pretty pricey – everything else is here), and almost every night there’s some bride and groom having their pictures taken on the beach.

Having your wedding pictures taken on a beach really sounds nice, and I’m sure for the wedding party it’s great.  But if you want to take a picture and you have nothing to do with the wedding good luck!  The local professionals hog all the good locations and prevent you from standing in the best place for a sunset picture – that is of course unless you want to photograph the bride of the day as well.

Talking of sunsets… I can’t get a good one, and I’ll tell you I’ve tried, several times.  The main problem is that the sun sets over Lanai which is an Hawaiian Island to the west of Maui.  To make matters worse Lanai has a large extinct volcano in the middle (don’t they all) and all around the peak are puffy white clouds.  So the sun actually sets behind the white clouds, and the sunset lasts around 60 seconds.  Even in it’s best moment, it’s not great.  I’ll keep trying though and I may get one before I leave.

Anyway, back to the church.  I took this shot just after the sun went down and with a long exposure got the sky to look almost light blue.  Fortunately nobody was in the way and I got the shot below first time.

Cater and Master Chief hit the beach this afternoon, but Carter made a huge mistake and fell asleep, so Master Chief buried him!

22. July 2012 · Comments Off on Old Ford – Maui · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

The other day we visited Maui’s Tropical Plantation, it is a working plantation in the middle of the island.  The reason for the trip was that the family wanted to go ziplining and this was the location for Maui Ziplines who let you zip across the plantation.

Lisa, James and Abi are not really that comfortable with heights so it was a big thing for them to do this.  But they all went for it and had a blast.  There were 5 lines they had to go down, each one taking you across different crops in the plantation and I got loads of shots of them in the air flying high.

The plantation also offers tours where you can take a tram around the 60 acre plantation and see all sorts of local crops grow.  So what do they grow?  Well pretty much everything you can imagine that you would want in Hawaii.  They have sugarcane, coconut, vanda orchids, star fruit, coffee, avocado, macadamia nuts, and the list goes on and on.

As we walked into the plantation we saw this cool old Ford car.  I don’t think they used it and to be honest the paintwork wasn’t that great, it had clearly been sitting outside for a long time.

But I thought it looked cool with the palm trees behind it and the plantation in the distance.  I had to take loads of shots of this and I almost gave up.  Every time I composed a picture someone would walk into frame.  Lisa and the kids thought it was hysterical.  In the end I finally got this shot on the way out when we left, the only down side was that the sun had moved to a position in the sky where it caught the car’s hood so it was totally blown out.

That aside I was pleased with the image so it’s my posting tonight.

Tonight the guys got out their surf boards and hit the beach.

20. July 2012 · Comments Off on Grand Wailea Waterfall – Maui · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

I probably should have posted this particular image the first day we got to the hotel, but as I only took the picture today that would have been difficult.  The reason being that the waterfall is what you see when you drive up to the hotel, it’s across the road from the hotel reception.

This waterfall is of course a man made and not natural, but it looks really pretty and the water is coming down pretty fast so I thought it would make a nice picture.

Waterfalls are a little tricky.  You don’t want the water to be frozen in time, but to appear almost “Ribbony” (that’s a real word right?) so that the picture gives the felling of motion.  To do this you need to have a long exposure.   But (and here’s the hard bit) you also want the leaves around the waterfall to be sharp and not blurry, which does tend to happen as over a long exposure the water rushing past blows the leaves about.

So what you have to do is take two images.  One with a long exposure for the water, and one with a short exposure for the foliage and flowers.  Then you blend the two pictures together to create the “perfect” waterfall.

Of course I didn’t do that here as it’s a total pain and loads of work (plus I was rushed and forgot), so here you get ribbony water and slightly blurry flowers.  Enjoy.

Tonight we went to the Cheeseburger Island Style restaurant in Wailea, but we lost the Halo guys, then I found them playing on the wall decorations!

20. July 2012 · Comments Off on Grand Wailea Grounds – Maui · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

We had a really busy day today visiting a sugar museum, water fall and a working plantation where the family went zip lining.  The result of all this is that I have around 500 pictures to sift through and it will take too long to find a good image, process it and post it to the site.  As a result I’m posting another “view from our hotel” image, that I took last night.

This one was taken just after the sun set from in front of the spa.  In the center of the image you can see a decorative pond with fountains and beyond that some dolphin statues – you’ll probably have to trust me on that one as they are quite small in the image.  Either side are some lit up gazebo’s that lead you down to the adult’s 18 and over pool.  Now I’d definitely like to spend some time there, but apparently that’s not the “thing” to do on a family vacation. so I’m not allowed.

Beyond the adult pool are some palm trees, duh yeah I know we’re in Hawaii.  And then there’s the sea.  Outside of this picture to the left of the adult pool is the family pool with 3 major slides, a rapids drop and a lazy river.  Oh yeah and a rope swing and water elevator.  Yup you read that correctly, a water elevator, apparently the only one in the world.  You swim in and they pump water in and you float on seats to the top of the elevator shaft, then you swim out and go down a slide – nice eh?

The sky in this image came out well and the lights around the gazebo’s made them look pretty cool too.  Add to this the lights on the fountains and you end up with a pretty picture.  And yes, Maui really is this beautiful.

It was really hot today the Carter and Master Chief started to over heat.  So when we got back to our room they found a way to cool off.