14. November 2012 · Comments Off on Night Park – Bellevue · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , , ,

I have to say I really enjoyed visiting the Bellevue Downtown Park.  Getting there just before sunset and staying until after the sun went down got me so many really nice images.  Tonights picture was obviously taken quite late.  The sun had completely gone down and the park was pretty empty.  The lights around the parks walking path had come on and it looked really pretty.

These scenes really area a gift, you literally just have to point the camera and everyone’s a winner.  In this one I again shot with a wide’ish lens so composed to have one of the big lights adding some foreground interest, I again went for the curved path taking you from just in front of the camera to round and out of the picture.  The tall building in the distance breaks up the sky and kind of gives you something at the end of the path.

My only regret is that I didn’t go to the path a month earlier, getting shots with more leaves on the trees would have been interesting, but then there’s always next year.  The good news is I only have a couple more of these to post and next week I’m off work all week and planning on going on a few trips out with the camera.

The guys found some glass at work to play with today.  Carter particularly liked his extra long arms behind the blue one.

13. November 2012 · Comments Off on City Reflection – Bellevue · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , , ,

Here’s an interesting picture, again taken in the park just before the sun set.  Just above the waterfall is this large expanse of water which makes a great mirror for the city behind.  To capture this shot I had to set the tripod up on some stairs and I had people walking by looking at me like I was nuts as each leg of the tripod was a different length.  Anyway I composed the shot to get as much of the city reflection as possible.  Whenever I see water it’s all about the reflection.

I really liked the railing in the picture too, the way it get’s smaller and smaller into the distance really shows you how wide this water feature actually is.  The trees and buildings came out great as well in the water, you even get the sky color reflected too.  It’s interesting seeing how the sky nearest the horizon in both the sky and water is lighter and as you move higher and lower they both darken – I think that’s cool.

The only downside of this picture was that there was an ugly crane above the trees to the right of the picture.  This was also reflected in the image and was kind of unsightly.  So that had to go.  Other than that I didn’t have to do much else.  Applied a little tone mapping to bring out the shadows and applied a little soft focus to make it “dreamy”.

Carters got a new perspective on life, something that Lisa fully endorses.

12. November 2012 · Comments Off on Park Sunset – Bellevue · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , , ,

Tonight I thought I’d post another one of my park at sunset pictures.  This image was taken just after the sun had gone down over the trees, it hadn’t completely set yet as you can still see the orange glow in the distance, but the lights in the park had just come on.

As there was no direct sunlight it was a little darker in the park so I put the camera on a tripod and shot the image with a long exposure.  This was a really pretty scene, there were trees to my right leading down the path and the path was covered with fallen leaves.  The lights along the path also added to the ambiance providing a line of lights off into the distance.

At this end of the park, nearly every light had a couple of flags attached.  I really wanted one of these sets in the foreground to provide some near interest but had to take lots of shots as the flags kept blowing in the breeze and showed motion blur with the long exposure.  Then of course I’d get a good image and found someone had walked into shot!  Very frustrating.  But eventually I got the image I wanted.

For the composition I wanted the entire flag in the foreground in the frame and some of the leaves visible on the floor.  I also wanted the path to wind from center round to the left, this is kind of a leading line, so called as it leads the eye.  Hopefully you look at the image and follow the path around the bend and are left wondering where it goes.  Ideally there’s some payoff at the end of the a leading line, something the line takes you to, but the park didn’t really have anything.

The lights around the path threw a nice orange glow into the trees and the blue sky above the setting sun added a nice color to the image.  Ideally the nearest lamp would have been in line with the sun (that would have been cool) but the sun actually set off to the right hand corner.  So quite a lot happening in this image, and I’m really pleased with the end result.

When I started photography a few years ago I’d occasionally get some really nice pictures.  In hindsight this was more down to luck than anything else.  I didn’t consider the composition as I took the shot.  I didn’t look in each corner to make sure there were no distractions and what I wanted in frame was there.  I guess I was so excited about getting the subject in I didn’t look at what else was going on.  So I got some nice pictures but a lot of bad ones too.  These days I take a lot longer composing the image, making sure I think through what I’m trying to capture.  The result is a much higher percentage of nice pictures.  Today’s image is a great example, I walked through everything I have written above in the view finder before I pressed the shutter.

Tonight Master Chief was showing Carter his new winter hat.  Apparently it’s very warm, but visibility is pretty poor.

11. November 2012 · Comments Off on Downtown Park Waterfall – Bellevue · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , , , ,

So for tonights picture I thought I’d post another image from yesterday’s visit to Bellevue’s Downtown Park.  As I mentioned in yesterdays posting the park has this rather wide waterfall and as you can see in the image below I wasn’t kidding.

I was walking towards the waterfall when I saw the red glow of the setting sun on the water.  I got all giddy excited and ran over to set up the tripod and this was one of the shots I got.  I put a really dark filter on the front of the lens (called a Neutral Density Filter) that restricts light without adding a color cast.  this allowed me to take a pretty slow shutter shot even with bright sunlight on the subject.  This gave the water a nice “ribbon” look as it went over the fall.  I couldn’t have got this effect without the filter, the water would have either been stopped in motion (which I think doesn’t look as cool) or the image would have been blown out.

Above the fall you can see the skyline of some of the tall buildings in Bellevue.  There was an unsightly crane in the image but that was pretty quick to remove with Photoshop (we don’t want no ugly cranes).  While there I met someone who is on my photo course and we had a long talk about the images we are all capturing.

Pretty much right in front of the waterfall is the ice rink.  This was stopping the sun from hitting more of the falls, which is a bit of a pity but I still think I got a nice shot.  Hopefully you agree.

Master Chief introduced Carter to his new girlfriend today, Carter described her to me as a bit of a troll which I thought was pretty rude until I saw the picture!

10. November 2012 · Comments Off on Downtown Park – Bellevue · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

This afternoon I decided to go out with the camera and grab some pictures and I thought I’d try somewhere different.   So I went to Bellevue Downtown Park.  This is a really nice park in the middle of the city of Bellevue, right next to the Bell Square Mall.  I know this park pretty well as when we moved to America, Microsoft put us up in an apartment block right next to the park (and the Mall).  Obviously Lisa spent her first three months in the Mall (cost me a fortune!)

Anyway, back to the park.  The park is basically a large expanse of grass surrounded by a walking path that’s lit up with stone lamps.  There’s also a number of water features around the paths, and at one end is this pretty cool really wide waterfall.  Around Thanksgiving the city of Bellevue also open up an ice skating rink right by the waterfall and when I was there they were setting it all up.

I got there around 4pm just before sunset and took a load of pictures before the sun actually went down.  Then the lights in the park came on and I took a load more with the park all lit up.  So I have quite a few images to post.

This first image is actually the very last one I took.  This was taken right next to the ice rink (you can’t see it, it’s off to my right) at the base of some stairs by the waterfall.  I love this image and think the way the trees are all lit up looks great and the stairs kind of lead the eye up and out of the picture.  The city in the background is pretty cool too and you can see one end of the waterfall to the right.  It took a few attempts to get this as people kept coming down the stairs.  But in the end the patience paid off and I got a great shot.

Master Chief decided to “ride the bison” this afternoon.  I don’t think Carter was very impressed!